About New Major Versioning

When a technological table, part filter or specification is new major versioned, a new object of the same type is created along with all the same relationships and attributes as the one it is versioned from.

This page discusses:

Run the New Major Version Command

Engineering Specification Capture & Reuse uses the New Major Version command the same way other apps do.

To version objects:

  1. Query the objects of interest from the database.
  2. From the Compass, click Collaborative Lifecycle.
  3. From the Lifecycle section of the action bar, click New Major Version .

For more information about the command, see the Collaborative Lifecycle User's Guide

Create a New Major Version for Specifications

After you launched the New Major Version command, a new major version appears from a source object. The source object and the new object keep a historical link.

After versioning, you obtain a new version for the source object and a new version for its associated representation.

Technological Tables

When creating a new major version for a technological table, the versioned table obtained contains the same values and entities as the original table.

Important: If the source table was relying on other tables, the versioned table relies on the same tables.

Part Filters

When creating a new major version for a part filter, the filter obtained contains the same entities as the original part filter.

Important: If the source part filter was relying on other tables, the duplicated filter relies on the same tables.


When creating a new major version for a specification, only the specification is new major versioned.

Important: Referenced technological tables and part filters are not new major versioned.