Setting Up Centralized Replication

Replication is a process occurring between FCS servers.

The objective is to:

  • update files of a store from a location
  • updating files of a location from its store
  • or update files of a location from another location of the same store.

Replication is activated on a store-by-store basis.

By default, during the replication process, FCS copy requests are exchanged between involved FCS servers, in a peer-to-peer mode. This means that all FCS servers managing locations of a given store must be able to connect one another.

Another replication process is available: centralized replication. Using centralized replication, each location is updated from its store. Whenever a replication occurs, the store is always involved and updated. The FCS "network" is then star-shaped.

By default, centralized replication is activated for the plmx store created when you performed the installation.

But in a multi-store configuration, an extra setup step is required for each new store.

Centralized replication is set up on stores. On each store that must have centralized replication, the Administrator user must issue the following MQL command:

MQL<3>mod store STORENAME trigger
com.matrixone.fcs.backend.ReplicateThroughStore ;

To make sure that a store has central replication, issue a print store command:

MQL<4>print store STORENAME;
  type captured
  version 1
  filename hashed 
  permission RW,RW,RW
  protocol file
  host localhost
  path E:\SeagullRuntime\enoviav6\studio\store
  replication trigger class 
    created 5/7/2009 9:35:51 AM
    modified 5/18/2009 10:24:25 AM

To remove centralized replication for a store:

MQL<5>mod store STORENAME trigger "" ;
Note: The variable MX_FCS_REPLICATE_PROGRAM_NAME=com.ds.utils.ReplicationCallBack must be deleted from the enovia.ini (Windows) and (UNIX) configuration files.