Defining Filters

Administrator users can define filters so that search and other pages load quicker. You can define filters for persons, collaborative spaces, and roles.

Warning: Although the Options page lets you switch between solutions, only use one solution. Each solution creates objects specific to that solution, and they are incompatible with each other. For example, collaborative space created for the customer-specific environment (CSE) solution cannot be used by people created using the baseline behavior solution.

You might want to define filters when you create a collaborative space, for example, because the app loads all of the defined users so you can choose who to add to the new collaborative space. If the database contains a lot of users, this process can hang the console. You can add a filter to reduce the number of users that the app needs to load. These filters also filter the results on Search pages. You can restore the original behavior by replacing the filter value with the wildcard *.

  1. In the Manage P&O and Content console, click Options . The Manage My Options page displays.
  2. In the Persons Filter, Collaborative Spaces Filter, or Roles Filter box, enter any suitable filter string.

    For the Collaborative Spaces Filter, enter a string for the Title of the collaborative space.

  3. Click Save .

When you load pages the show the type of data you configured a filter for, such as the Create page for collaborative spaces, it only loads the data that match the filter.