Granting Local Administration

If your host includes other companies, such as suppliers, or business units and departments, Administrator users can set up Local Administrators who can perform administration tasks for their organization and any child organizations.

For the organization and collaborative space (and credentials defined for them), the Local Administrator can:

  • Create child collaborative spaces
  • Create child organizations
  • Create credentials for roles applicable to the organization and collaborative space
  • Assign credentials to or remove contexts from persons
  • Assign licenses to or remove licenses from persons

You can also define a Local Administrator credentials on the Context page.

Before you begin:
  • The organization, collaborative space, and credentials must already exist. The credentials must be defined for the Local Administrator role.
  • A person must exist who is assigned the credentials that includes the Local Administrator role.
  1. Click Advanced .
  2. Click Grant Administration .
    The app lists the details for your current organization (the organization you connected to at login). You can replace the organization name in the Organizations Filter with an * or other text string and click to update the list of organizations.

    For each organization, this page lists these details:

    Column Name Description
    Organization Name The name of the company, business unit, or department.
    Organization Type Company, business unit, department, or plant. Plants can only be defined using Collaboration and Approvals, not this console.
    Parent The parent of this organization.
    Applicable Roles The number of applicable roles (roles that a Local Administrator can assign to people or use to create credentials) allowed for this organization. Click the arrow to view the list.
    Existing Contexts The number of credentials that include the Local Administrator role defined for this organization. Click the arrow to view the list.

  3. To define applicable roles for an organization:
    1. Click the arrow for the number of applicable roles for the organization. The slide-in window lists the roles and descriptions. The list is generated from the credentials defined for the organization.
    2. Click Edit.
    3. Select all roles that you want to allow to be assigned to people in this organization.

      For example, you could allow Reviewer and Designer roles for a supplier organization, but not Leader or Administrator roles.

    4. Click Done.
    The app updates the number of roles in the Applicable Roles column.
  4. To define a Local Administrator credentials for an organization:
    1. Click the arrow for the number of existing contexts for the organization. The slide-in window lists the names of collaborative spaces and their parents. The checked collaborative spaces already have a Local Administrator credentials defined.
    2. Click Add Context.
    3. Select all collaborative spaces that you want to define a Local Administrator credentials.
    4. Click Done.
    The app creates the new credentials (for example: Local Administrator.Company Subsidary.Advanced Product Development (<role>.<org>.<collaborative_space>)), and updates the number of roles in the Existing Contexts column.