Running the VPLMPosImport Batch Tool

Administrator users can run the VPLMPosImport batch tool. This tool does not work with CAS authentication. The tool must be run on the server host, and the -server argument should specify the localhost URL.

You must use the -context argument to specify a set of credentials referencing the VPLMAdmin role, for example VPLMAdmin.Company Name.Default. The Company Name that you provide here must be the name of the company and not the title.

Before you begin:
  • When running the tool after installation, use MQL to force recompile of the JPOs. For more information, see MQL Guide: Programs.
  • The import file must be properly defined. Verify that the data IDs defined in the import file are unique, especially when importing large files. If not, a unique constraint violation causes the import to fail.
  1. On Windows:
    1. Go the installation folder:


    2. Execute this command:

      VPLMPosImport.bat <PARAMETERS>

    On UNIX:

    1. Go the installation folder:
    2. Execute this command:

    Include the parameters required for this import:

    Parameter Description Mandatory / Optional
    -user <userid> The userID of the person who has administrator access to the repository. Only use this parameter when executing VPLMPosImport as a Java batch. Mandatory
    -password <password> User password for the above person. Only use this parameter when executing VPLMPosImport as a Java batch. Mandatory
    -context <contextid> Credentials identifier to be used to connect to the repository. If not specified, the default VPLMAdmin.Company Name.Default is used.

    The Company Name that you provide here must be the name of the company and not the title.

    -server <url> This parameter is deprecated and should not be used. Optional
    -file <importfile> Full path and name of the import file. Mandatory
    -ignore-errors Continue execution even when errors are encountered. If not specified, the import stops when an error occurs. Use this parameter in place of -no-abort-on-error. Optional
    -no-abort-on-error Continue execution even when errors are encountered. If not specified, the import stops when an error occurs. Although this parameter is still valid, you should use -ignore-errors instead. Optional
    -report <reportfile> Full path and name of the output report file. The report contains the execution status of all import commands. If not specified, no report is generated. Optional
    -transaction-mode Indicates how modifications should be committed to the database. Possible values are:

    Value Description
    global Commit changes once at the end of execution
    intermediate Commit changes every Nth command, as specified by option -transaction-size
    local Commit all changes individually

    The default is inermediate.

    -transaction-size Indicates the size of transaction when -transaction-mode is set to intermediate. The default size is 50. Optional
    -syntax -h Displays help on the syntax of commands in the import file. Optional



    Defines the version number of the software that generated the import file.

    You can use this parameter to display the release number of a software component. For more information, see Using the Tools to Determine Version Numbers.

    -h Displays help for listing the command-line parameters for this import command. Optional

  2. If the import file included new users, restart the application server, otherwise the publish/subscribe functions will not work.
  3. Reload the server cache. For more information, see Collaboration and Approvals Administration Guide: Reloading the Cache.

The exit code of the batch program is 0 when successful, non-zero otherwise. The report lists the status for processed commands, for example:

15 business unit Admin [ OK ] Created
16 [*ERROR*] Could not save