Export 3D XML File Report

This page describes the different sections and the information of the export 3D XML file report.

This page discusses:

Data Source

The following are the sections of data source and their description.

Input Provider : 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

The following table lists the names in the input provider section and their description.

Name Description
Authenication.PasswordThe password of a user.
Authentication.UserThe name of a user.
Environment.ServerNameThe server name of the environment.
Environment.ServerPortThe server port number of the environment.
Environment.URIThe URL of an environment.
PhysRepo.IdThe identification number of a physical repository.
PhysRepo.NameThe name of a physical repository.
Security.LoginTicketThe security login ticket number.
ServerInstalledTypeThe type of the server installed.
ServerLoginDateThe login date of the server.
ServerVersion.MinorThe server version number.
Cur_orgThe name of the current organization.
Cur_prjThe name of the current project.
Cur_roleThe name of the current role.

Metrics and Options

The following are the sections of metrics and options and their description.


The following table lists the names in the metrics section and their description.

Name Description
Start Replay Date
VersionThe version number of the report.
Internal BuildThe internal build number of the report.
Build DateThe build date of the report.
Client MachineThe client machine on which the report is generated.
End Replay Date
Process ends with Return Code


The following table lists the names in the options section and their description.

FileName The name of the exported file.
FilePathThe path of the exported file.
CompletionOptionThe exchange completion option selected while exporting the file.
FormatThe format of the exported file.
DepthPropagationThe depth limit for filtering input objects.
Verbose Mode
Authoring LinkThe authoring data export link.

Environment Variables

The following table lists the names in the environment variables section and their description.

CATTempTemporary location of the exported file

Export Log

The following table lists the column names in the export log section and their description.

Column NameDescription
DataThe name of the data exported.
AuthoringClick Link for Authoring to view the detailed report of authoring log.
ReviewClick Link of Review to view the detailed report of review log.
StatusThe status of the report.

The following two icons are displayed in the Status column:

  • : Indicates the report is successful.
  • : Indicates an error in the report and the report is not successful.