Running the Import 3D XML Batch

You can import 3D XML files through Exchange Space process using the batch utility. This batch utility imports objects using all the modes and formats available.

Note: You cannot use this batch with a shareable license.

Required baseline access roles: Leader, Author.

Before you begin:
  • Export an object to a 3D XML file with the with authoring format.
  • Set your Creation Preferences.
  • Start the Batch Monitor either by selecting Utility from the secondary area of Tools section of the action bar or by running CATUTIL.exe from the command line.
  1. Double-click the Import 3D XML file.
  2. In the Selected Operation area, enter the following:
    Options Description
    Mode Defines the process of data exchange.

    The following options are available:

    • File Exchanges: Allows you to import a 3D XML file from the selected drive.

    • Project Space: Allows you to retrieve and import a 3D XML file from the project space available in Supplier Central.
    • Team Workspace: Allows you to retrieve and import a 3D XML file from the team workspace available in Team Central.

    By default, the File Exchanges option is selected.  

    Location Enter the path of the directory from where you select the 3D XML file to import.


    Click [...] to browse for one of the following:
    • directory, if you select the File Exchanges mode.
    • project space, if you select the Project Space mode.
    • team workspace, if you select the Team Workspace mode.

    By default, the Location box is automatically filled with the required path for the selected folder or with the first available and connected project space or team workspace or the last used project space or team workspace name.

    Filename: Enter the name of the 3D XML file to import.
    Import options
    • Import "as Reference": Allows you to import an object into your database with the same name and internal identifiers as the originating site.

      If the 3D XML file was exported without delegation, the object is not locally editable, as the site ownership remains with the originating site. However, it is possible to insert an instance of another reference under this object, as it does not modify the object itself but creates a parent-child connection between the two objects. For more information, see Reference Library: PLM Components: Basic PLM Objects.

      If the 3D XML file was exported with delegation, the object is locally editable.

    • Import "as New": Allows you to create a new object as a copy of the original. The receiving site becomes the owner of the object, applying new internal identifiers, business rules, and lifecycles from the receiving site. You will not be able to receive automatic updates to the new object. By default, As New is selected.
    • With Reidentification: This option is available only when Import "as Reference" is selected. By default the With Reidentification check box is not selected.

      If two different sites are using the same rules to identify an object, the different objects created on these sites will have the same identification logic. If you exchange data using the PLM Briefcase, there could be a conflict on some objects if an identifier is already used on the target site.

      The reidentification option allows you to reidentify objects during Import As Reference to identify the objects to be imported with local site identification rules. In this way, you can follow local counters and local naming logic.

      The name association between the emitter repository and the receiver repository is performed to ease communication. The information is stored in a dedicated extension and is accessible in the Properties dialog box of the reidentified object.

    For more information about Import "as Reference" and Import "as New", see Importing 3D XML Files.

    Identification string (only for Import as New) Enter or modify the identification string of your choice.

    By default, the prefix used is Copy of.

    Current Environment Defines the environment.

    By default, the current environment is selected.

    Other options Determines the options available.
    • Delete file if import is successful?: Select this check box to delete the 3D XML file after import.

  3. In the Report area, enter the following:
    Options Description
    Report Directory Enter the path of the directory where you want to store the reports and processed documents.


    Click Change the Target Directory to browse and select another folder.
    Report name Enter the name of the report.

    This global report lists the objects that are processed for import. By default, the report is generated in HTML format.

    Suffix for object report Enter a search string to add an extension at the end of each report file name.
  4. Optional: Click Save to save the data with import options in an xml file.
    The Save As dialog box appears.

    By default, the input parameters xml files are saved in a temporary folder.

  5. Click Run to start the import.


    Click Cancel to close the Import 3D XML file dialog box.

    The batch interface window presents the success of the import.
  6. Optional: Click Open Main HTML Report to open an HTML version of the global report.