Export of Products to 3D XML

This topic provides information about export of products to 3D XML with authoring.

When exporting a Product to 3D XML, all related Assembly constraints, materials and representations are exported along with the Product.

Note that a 3D XML for review is also generated if the exported product contains a representation with 3D data.

The table below lists the main cases of Product structure results when exporting to 3D XML.

V6 Product DataResulting 3D XML Data
Product reference with instanciated representations and instanciated references. The whole structure is exported.
Product reference with an instanciated 3DPart with applied Cover and applied Core material. The whole structure is exported along with the material and the necessary document as the picture used as Image.
Product reference with a 3DPart pointing on a Design table. The whole structure is exported with the pointed Design Table.
Product reference with applied configuration. The whole product unconfigured and unresolved is exported. Configuration informations as the varibility space are not exported.
Product reference with generated NavReps. The whole product is exported without the NavReps.
Product reference with persistent Product Graphical Properties (PGP) and Product Mechanical Reference (PMR). The whole product is exported with PMR and PGP.