Setting Up Coexistence Mapping Contexts

This task explains how to create and manage an XML file used for coexistence mapping contexts using theContext Management command in the Coexistence section of the action bar.

This task shows you how to:

Access the Context Management Command

This task describes how to access the Context Management command in the action bar.

  1. From the Compass, click Exchange Management.
  2. Go to the Coexistence section of the action bar and select Context Management....
    The Context Management dialog box opens.
    Important: The Context Management... command is only available to users with the Leader or Owner role.
  3. The following fields are displayed:
    • File: Displays the full path and name of the XML file.

      By default, an XML file containing only the default context named COEXISTENCE is loaded in the Context tab page, if no other XML files have been created and saved before.

    • Context List: Displays all context data read in the selected XML file.
      • An asterisk (*) before a context name indicates a friend context.
      • An at sign (@) before a context name indicates an associated context.
      • If the XML file cannot be edited a warning is displayed. Therefore, you can add, delete or save a context.

Add a New Main Context

This task describes how to add a new main context.

  1. Click New in the Context Administration section.
    The Context Management dialog box opens.
  2. Enter values for the following fields:
    • Name: Enter a name for the context in 123 characters or less.
    • Parameter: Select one of the following values from the list on the right:
      • File: Used for file context definition. Using the directory browser button that appears when the File option is selected, select the desired file to display it in the Parameter field. This file will be used by the CATBack batch as an output location for the generated data.
      • Database: Used for database context definition. Using the directory browser button that appears when the Database option is selected, choose the desired connector from the list that is displayed in the Define Database dialog box, enter the connector parameters (server, port, rootURI) then click OK to display the selected connector in Parameter.
        Important: All the fields in the Define Database dialog box are mandatory.
      • Default. Select this option to add the default context "COEXISTENCE".
        Note: Make sure that the Parameter field is empty when Default is selected.
  3. Click Add just underneath Parameter.
    The context is added and displayed in the Context List column.
  4. At this stage, if you wish, you can Add a Friend Context or Attach an Associated Context as described below.
    The context is added and displayed in the Context List column.
  5. Click Save to save the list of contexts in the current XML file. Click Cancel to exit the context management dialog box without saving any modifications.

    Note: The last valid XML file is restored in the event of cancellation.

Add a Friend Context

This task describes how to add a friend context.

Note: Friend contexts are not supported for the database" type context.

  1. Right-click a main context in the context list column in the Context Management dialog box and click Add friend context.

    The list of possible friend contexts is displayed.

    Note: The same context can be the friend of more than one main context but cyclicity cannot be defined between contexts. Also, only one level of friend contexts can be defined which means that a friend context cannot have its own friend context.
  2. Select a context from the list.
    The selected context is displayed as a friend context.
  3. Click Save.

Attach an Associated Context

This task describes how to attach an associated context.

  1. Right-click a main Database context in the context list column in the Context Management dialog box and click Attach associated context to display the list of available associated contexts:

    • The list is enabled only if the selected context has no associated context.
    • The same context can be associated with more than one main context but cyclicity cannot be defined between contexts. Also, only one level of an associated context can be defined which means that an associated context cannot have an associated context.

  2. Select a context from the list.
    The selected context is displayed as an associated context.
  3. To detach an associated context, right-click a main Database context in the context list column and click Detach associated context.
    Note: The Detach associated context option is enabled only if the selected context has an associated context.
  4. Click Save.

Check the Context Parameters

This task explains how to check the context parameters depending on the context type.

  1. Select a context in the Context List Box.

    If the context is:

    • a File context, the context path is displayed in Parameter.
    • a Database context, the provider name is displayed in Parameter.

  2. Click the button next to the Parameter field to check the connection parameters.

Delete a Context

This task explains how to remove a context from the Context List

  1. Select a context in the Context List.
  2. Right-click the selected context.
  3. Click Delete in the menu.
  4. Click Save.