About the Station Administration User Interface

The Station Administration user interface provides a set of tools that allow you to view and manage your 3DOrchestrate Stations and 3DOrchestrate Distribution Servers.

This page discusses:

The Station Administration user interface has two main panels as shown below:

Server administration commands

Station administration commands

Server/ station tree

Properties panel

Server/Station Tree

The Server/Station Tree provides a hierarchical list of all 3DOrchestrate Distribution Servers, stations, and station groups in your system. The list includes all 3DOrchestrate Distribution Servers that are registered with 3DSpace. The list initially shows only your first 3DOrchestrate Distribution Server. Your system may have only one 3DOrchestrate Distribution Server, as shown in the example above.

To view the properties of any 3DOrchestrate Station, click its name in the Server/Station Tree.

Properties Panel

The Properties Panel provides access to server and station properties as well as various toolbar commands. The panel displays properties for the selected server, station, or group. Station groups let you configure and manage properties for a number of stations at the same time; for example, a group of LSF compute nodes.

The Stations list in this panel shows the installed stations for the selected server and provides a toolbar for managing stations.

Server Administration Commands

The server administration toolbar lets you register a new 3DOrchestrate Distribution Server or edit the configuration of an existing server. See Server Administration Command Reference.

Station Administration Commands

The station administration toolbar lets you create a new station configuration, create a station group, or stop and restart a running station. See Station Administration Command Reference.