FiltersYou can filter the widget by several types of data. The filter optimizes the initial data set so that it displays faster. The filter remains in effect between sessions so you only need to set it once unless you want to change it. If a tab includes both the Services Products List and the Services Product Overview widget, setting the filter on one widget automatically applies that filter to the other widget. To set a filter, follow these steps:
To remove a value from a filter, click the X in the tag. When you set this filter, the app also applies that filter to any Product Catalog Metrics - Services Items List widget included on the same tab. You can change the widget title to reflect the type of filtered data you selected. For more information, see Setting Preferences. By Design ResponsibilityThe By Design Responsibility bar chart shows a bar for each organization that has design responsibility for a Services Item, with the number of Services Items. The bar for "None" includes all Services Items that do not have a design responsibility defined. If the bar chart shows too many bars for easy reading, you can drag a box around a set of bars. The app then zooms to show the selected bars so you can more easily read the data. You can then click Reset zoom to return to the full bar chart. By Life StageThe By Life Stage pie chart of the product life stages for the Services Items. Each wedge shows the number of Services Items in that life stage. Hover over a wedge to see the percentage of Services Items in that life stage. The Development life stage includes Services Items in the Create, Draft, or Review lifecycle states. By MarketThe By Market bar chart shows a bar for each market with the number of Services Items for that market. The bar for "None" includes all Services Items that do not have a market defined. If the bar chart shows too many bars for easy reading, you can draw a box around a set of bars. The app then zooms to show the selected bars so you can more easily read the data. You can then click Reset zoom to return to the full bar chart. Saving a SnapshotYou can take a snapshot of the widget display and download it as a *.png file to your computer. To do so, follow these steps:
Printing the ViewYou can print the current view of the widget. To do so, follow these steps:
Emailing the ChartsYou can email a picture of the current view of the charts. To do so, follow these steps: