Task Properties

You can click a task tile in the Product Tasks Summary or Project Tasks Counter widgets to view details about a task, including the task properties.

The Properties tab lists details about the task:

NameThe name of the task.
TypeThe object type: Task.
ProjectThe name of the project containing the task.
StateThe current lifecycle state of the task:

PreliminaryThe task has just been created and an assignee specified. When a Project Lead is ready for work to begin on a task, the Lead promotes it to Ready.
ReadyThe system notifies assignees.
In WorkThe assignees have begun work on the task. The system automatically promotes a task to In Work when the % Complete is changed from 0% to any percentage less than 100.
In ReviewProject members are reviewing the task and its deliverables. When 100% is entered for % Complete, the system automatically promotes the task to In Review. Typically, an assignee creates a route to have route members review the task.
CompleteThe task is complete. The system automatically promotes a task to Complete when an assignee or Project Lead enters an actual finish date.

Task OwnerThe person who created the task.
Task AssigneeThe person assigned to complete the task.
DescriptionA detailed explanation about what the assignee is expected to do to complete the task.
Task Constraint TypeHow the task will be scheduled based on other tasks and constraints within the services project. Possible values:
  • As Soon As Possible
  • As Late As Possible
  • Start No Earlier Than
  • Finish No Earlier Than
  • Start No Later Than
  • Finish No Later Than
Task Constraint DateFor any constraint type other than "as soon as possible" or "as late as possible," the date for that constraint type.
Needs ReviewIndicates whether this task requires a review:
  • If Yes, the task goes to the In Review state when the Percent Complete for the task is set to 100%.
  • If No, the task will go to the Complete state directly when the Percent Complete for that task is set to 100%.
Percent CompleteThe percentage of work that has been done for the task, as estimated by the task assignee. When 100% is entered, the system automatically promotes the task to Review. If the % Complete is then lowered to less than 100%, the system demotes the task to In Work.
Task RequirementIndicates whether this is an optional or mandatory task.
Task Estimated DurationThe estimate of how long the task will take to complete.
Task Estimated Start DateThe estimated date work on this task will begin.
Task Estimated Finish DateThe estimated date work on this task will end.
Task Actual DurationThe actual time it took to complete the task.
Task Actual Start StatusThe actual date work on the task began.
Task Actual Finish StatusThe actual date that the task was completed.