Project Items Metrics – Project Tasks Overview

You can view bar charts that show open tasks to show the number of open tasks in projects by owner and a line graph that shows the percent complete and estimated completion dates for a project. This widget only shows data for Business Initiative Projects as described below.

If the area allotted to the widget is small, you only see one of the charts. Click the dots at the bottom of the window to switch between the views.

This page discusses:

Filters: Loading a Project into the Widget

When you select the Project Tasks Overview when you open the Project Items Metrics widget or add it to an existing dashboard, you can load a project into it. You can also use the Filter and load the project later.

To load a project, you drag the tile for a project from the Business Initiatives Metrics widget (when configured for Projects List) and drop it on the Drop Financial Projects here zone, then click Apply.

To remove a project from the widget, follow these steps:

  1. Click Filter .
  2. Drag the project to the .

Project Projection

The line chart shows a blue line with a circle for the estimated completion date of each task. The line chart shows a black line with a diamond for each completed task, showing the actual progress of the project.

Hover over a circle or diamond to see a summary of that task. The pop-up shows this information:

  • Actual or Estimated
  • Task name
  • Estimated finish date
  • For a completed task, the actual finish date

Task Status by Owner

This bar chart shows the number of open tasks for each status for each user with tasks in the project. The bar chart uses a different color for each status. Refer to the legend to see which color represents which status.

Hover over a bar to view a summary chart for that user with the count of tasks with each status.

If the bar chart shows too many bars for easy reading, you can drag a box around a set of bars. The app then zooms to show the selected bars so you can more easily read the data. You can then click Reset zoom to return to the full bar chart.

Saving a Snapshot

You can take a snapshot of the widget display and download it as a *.png file to your computer. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click Snapshot .
  2. Enter a name for the snapshot.
  3. Click Download. The app opens a file same dialog. Enter a name and select a directory for the snapshot, then click Save.

Printing the View

You can print the current view of the widget. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click Print .
  2. Select the required print options.
  3. Click Print.

Emailing the Charts

You can email a picture of the current view of the charts. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click Email .
  2. Enter an email address, edit the subject if you want, and enter a message.
  3. Click Send.