Change Control for Services Products, Services Specifications, and Services Documents

The Services Product Manager license role lets you use the Change Management tools to manage the release and revision process for Services Products and Services Specifications. The Change Controlled attribute for a Services Product, Services Specification, or Services Document lets you define if the product is under change control (true), or not (false).

If the Changed Controlled attribute is set to false, you can still add the Services Product, Services Specification, or Services Document to a change order, but it is not required.

Required license role: Services Product Manager

This page discusses:

Releasing a Services Product

Under change control, the Services Product must be added to a Change Order before it can be promoted from the Create state to the Draft state. You must have the Leader access role and the Services Product Manager license to create a change order. When you add a Services Product to a change order, Change Management creates a change action for it. Only the owner of a change order or change action can promote it through its lifecycle states.

To release the Services Product, Services Specification, or Services Document, the change order must be completed. To complete a change order:

  • All items listed on the Proposed Changes tab must be promoted to the Review state
  • All change actions must be promoted to the Approved state. The changes actions can be promoted based on an approval route or a specific reviewer.

When a change order is complete, the items listed in the Proposed Changes tab are released.

When creating a change order, you can use the Fast track Change or Formal Change policy. The Fast track Change policy provides a quicker review and approval process. The Formal Change policy requires a more involved and lengthy review and approval process.

Adding Related Services Products, Services Specifications, and Services Documents to a Change Order

You can include nested products, Services Specifications, and Services Documents as part of the same change order used to release or revise a Services Product. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open the required Services Product. For more information, see Opening a Services Product.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Change Management.
  3. Click the name of the required change order.
  4. In the Proposed Changes tab, select the Services Product.
  5. Click Actions > Change Assessment.
  6. Select the Services Products, Services Specifications, or Services Documents and click either Add Related As Proposed Changes or Add As Candidate Item .

Change Assessments

Change Management allows you to generate a change assessment for a change order. Change assessments let you identify if an item covered by the change order has related items that might also be affected. The change assessment lists related products (under Nested Products), Services Specifications (under Related Specs), and Services Documents (under Reference Documents). You can then add any related item to the change order as a proposed change or a candidate item.

Revising a Services Product, Services Specification, or Services Document

If a Services Product, Services Specification, or Services Document is under change control, you cannot manually revise it. You must use a change order to revise it. If Change Controlled is False for a service product, Services Specification, or Services Document, you can revise it manually, or you can optionally set the Change Controlled attribute to True for the revision.

Making a Services Product, Services Specification, or Services Document Obsolete

To make a released Services Product, Services Specification, or Services Document obsolete, add it to a change order, then update the requested change to For Obsolescence before promoting the change action to the In Work state. when the change order is completed, the proposed changes (the Services Product or Services Specification) is promoted to the Obsolete state.

Canceling a Services Product, Services Specification, or Services Document

If you cancel a change order or change action, any Services Product, Services Specification, or Services Document remains in the Proposed Changes list for the change order or change action. You can create a new change order for those proposed changes.