Conversion of 3D Representations with Specifications
It is possible to convert a 3D representation and keep its specifications.
You can either:
- Convert to a file environment (generation of a CATPart) by checking the Convert Representation As Specification option in the interactive menu of the advanced options of the DownwardCompatibility batch.
- Convert to a V5 database by checking the Convert Representation As Specification option in the interactive menu of the advanced options of the Coexistence batch.
Conversion with specification is only possible to a certain CATIA V5 level. For more information, see Release Compatibility.
All 3D representations cannot be converted and keep their specifications. The conversion As Spec can only be supported by an exhaustive feature catalog. If the representation contains a feature that does not come from one of the following catalogs, the conversion stops.
You can find here the list of the compatible catalogs, ordered by domain:
- 3D Functional Tolerancing and Annotation
- TPSGeometry.feat
- TPSModelFeature.feat
- TTRSModelFeature.feat
- Axis System
- AxisSystem.feat
- ICMCLADiagFeatureCatalog.CATfct
- ICMCLAFeatureCatalog.CATfct
- ICMRdgFeatureCatalog.CATfct
- Constraint
- ConstraintModeler.feat
- Drafting
- DraftCatalog.feat
- FreeStyle
- CATStCommonStartUps.feat
- CATStConstraintsStartUps.feat
- CATStDataExtensionStartUps.feat
- CATStDynAnalysisStartUps.feat
- CATStFeaturesStartUps.feat
- CATStRelayStartUps.feat
- Functional Modeling Part
- SpdFunctionalStartups.CATfct
- Generative Shape Design
- CATBIWDesignCatalogueStartUps.feat
- CATHybridShape.feat
- GSMApprox.feat
- Infrastructure
- BrefAccess.feat
- CATMmFunctionalFeatures.feat
- Literals.feat
- MechMod.feat
- MechModeLiveShape.feat
- MmrCBTCatalog.CATfct
- MmrCBTExtensionCatalog.feat
- ObjectSpecsModeler.feat
- Part Design
- CATV6V5_213PrtModel.feat
- PartDesign.feat
- PartDesignAna.feat
- PartDesignFunctional.feat
- PartDesignTR.feat
- TechnoResult.feat
- Rendering
- CATCamCatalog.feat
- RenderingProperties.feat
- Sketcher
- WF2D.feat
- WF3D.feat
To minimize the creation of an imcompatible feature, you can use the setting described in Installation and Administration > 3DEXPERIENCE platform > User Preferences > Infrastructure > 3D Shape Infrastructure > Compatibility.
About the Coexistence :