Conversion As Result
Conversion As Result is the default mode which enables the conversion of parts and shapes to a lower version using start-up parts.
When you run DownwardCompatibility batch you can use a startup CATPart. Then the CATPart created by the DownwardCompatibility batch is initialized with the content of startup CATPart.
By default, the value displayed in this box is the last value used because the value you enter is stored in preferences files. If this box is left empty, then no part will be used as a start-up.
If the selected CATPart is not valid (whatever its origin: text, variable, preferences, etc.), then the selection is ignored and a pop-up message is displayed to give the reason of the conversion failure:
- The document does not exist.
- The document is not a CATPart.
- The document is a CATPart but has no Read access.
- The document is a CATPart but its version is higher than the targeted version. For instance, you cannot use a CATIAV5R20 CATPart document as a start-up part when converting data down to CATIAV5R19.
- The document is a CATPart but it results from a previous DownwardCompatibility conversion and therefore, it cannot be used as a start-up part.
An additional tag is inserted in the XML file generated when the batch is run:
This tag supports the ${VARIABLE} and ${VALUE} mechanism, which means that when editing the XML file, the value can be replaced by a ${MYREP_PATH} variable (where "MYREP_PATH" is the environment variable exported before running the application). However, if the selected CATPart is not valid, no tag is inserted in the XML file. Regarding ${VARIABLE}, note that:
- The following characters are forbidden in a string (or the value of a ${VARIABLE}): * : ? < > | , \\ / ". These characters are ignored when defined in a string.
- A list of "." characters is automatically replaced by a simple ".". A name cannot contain the string "..".
When the conversion starts, 3DEXPERIENCE attributes are always transferred to the V5 CATPart, whether a start-up part has been defined or not:
- When the XML file contains the
<CATDWC_3DRep_StartUp> </CATDWC_3DRep_StartUp>
tag valuated to a valid CATPart document, original UUIDs (Universal Unique IDentifiers) of the start-up CATPart are kept. This means that 3DEXPERIENCE Representation UUIDs are not transferred to the global report and to the reports generated for each object. - When the XML file does not contain the
<CATDWC_3DRep_StartUp> </CATDWC_3DRep_StartUp>
tag, or contains a non-valuated tag, no start-up mechanism is applied. CATPart documents are created as new and 3DEXPERIENCE Representation UUIDs are transferred when possible to the newly created CATPart. The UUID report can be tracked by exporting the CATDWC_TraceConversion environment variable.
When converting parts as result, you can also select the Convert Publications on Intermediate Geometry box if you need to convert publications linked to an intermediate geometry.