Export of 3D Tolerancing & Annotation Features

This document informs about the conversion of 3DEXPERIENCE platform 3D Tolerancing & Annotation features in a representation into a Version 5 CATPart or CATProduct document using the downward compatibility batch.


All modifications made to 3DEXPERIENCE platform features will be applied to Version 5 features when the downward compatibility batch is ran again.

This page discusses:

See Also
In the Knowledge Base
3D Tolerance & Annotation - Downward Compatibility Batch Use Cases

Conversion as Result

The table below describes the conversion effect on 3DEXPERIENCE platform3D Tolerancing & Annotation features that can be translated to Version 5 with the As result option selected, using the downward compatibility batch.

3DEXPERIENCE platform Feature Types Conversion Effect
Basic dimension Converted although not all modifications can be performed:
  • Features cannot be edited.
  • Features cannot be copied or included in a power copy feature.
  • Features cannot be mirrored.
  • Features cannot be involved in Version 5 3D Tolerancing & Annotation features.
Features can be deleted individually.

For 3DEXPERIENCE platform text features set as parallel to screen, this property is not converted.

The text features are displayed as created.

Constructed Geometries
Coordinate dimension
Datum reference frame
Datum target
Datum target non semantic
Dimension non semantic
Extraction View
Flag Note
Geometrical tolerance non semantic
Note Object Attribute
Semantic dimension
Semantic geometrical tolerance with datum reference frame
Semantic geometrical tolerance without datum reference frame
Restricted area
Principal and complementary annotations Converted (in case of light content)
Capture Converted to CATIA Version 5 with links to bodies, surfaces under bodies, geometrical sets, ordered geometrical sets, or product instances. The visibility of bodies is considered for current 3D shape only.

The assembly FTA captures do not manage visibility of bodies of other 3D parts or 3D shape representations of the common product assembly.

  • In a representation context, where all the 3DEXPERIENCE platform features and the associated geometries are in the same representation, features are converted in an Annotation Set Result under the Partbody.

    Existing links with the associated geometry are imported.

  • In an assembly context, where all 3DEXPERIENCE platform features and the associated geometry are not in the same representation and linked through an engineering connection, features are converted in an Annotation Set Result under the product containing the engineering connection.

    Existing links with the associated geometry are not imported.

    This behavior is also applied for combined contexts (representation and assembly) where all features are converted in an Annotation Set Result under the product containing the engineering connection of the assembly context.

  • 3DEXPERIENCE platform features converted as result in Version 5 cannot be filtered in 2D Layout for 3D Design views or generated in Drafting views.

You can export the assembly annotations as result ARM annotations or as result Version 5 product.

Conversion as Specifications

The table below summarizes 3DEXPERIENCE platform 3D Tolerancing & Annotation features and whether they can be converted As specifications using Downward Compatibility batch in Version 5 using the Convert Part as Specification option.

  • When at least one feature in the data (that is not necessarily a 3D Tolerancing & Annotation ) can only be converted As result, then all features in the data will be converted As result.
  • When an assembly context is converted as specification, the external geometries are stored as isolated external references.
  • 3D Tolerancing & Annotation features converted As specifications can be read as from Version 5-6 R2013 using the CAT_FTA_CATBackAsSpec variable and without this variable for further releases.
3DEXPERIENCE platform Features Conversion of Version 5 Features using Downward Compatibility
Basic dimension As specifications
Capture As specifications
Constructed Geometries As specifications
Coordinate dimension As specifications
Datum As specifications
Datum reference frame As specifications
Datum target As specifications
Datum target non semantic As specifications
Dimension non semantic As specifications
Extraction View As specifications
Flag Note As specifications
Geometrical tolerance non semantic As specifications
Note Object Attribute As specifications
Restricted area As specifications
Roughness As specifications
Semantic dimension As specifications
Semantic geometrical tolerance with datum reference frame As specifications
Semantic geometrical tolerance without datum reference frame As specifications
Text As specifications
View As specifications
Weld As specifications
User surface, group of surfaces, and geometric component As specifications
Attribute link As specifications
Other dimensions As specifications
Associative position As specifications
Associative orientation As specifications
Construction geometry As specifications
Principal and complementary annotations As specifications
Capture As specifications
Roughness As specifications
Flag note As specifications
Annotation set As specifications