Attribute Mapping Business Logic Openness Implementation

This business logic openness allows you to define the logic for the Attribute Mapping, from a source 3DEXPERIENCE provider (PLM1) to the Document properties of the converted File base document.

This page discusses:

Role and Limitations of Attribute Mapping Business Logic Openness

This Business Logic Openness (BLO) allows the mapping of attributes from each PLMCoreReference and PLMCoreRepresentation to transfer.

This BLO allows you to define the logic of the mapping/transfer of 3DEXPERIENCE attributes to V5 document properties during a 3DEXPERIENCE to File Downward Compatibility scenario.

This BLO is provided with certain inputs:

  • PLMCoreReference
  • PLMCoreRepresentation
  • the name of context during transfer
  • the position of the Source object in the Product Structure (Representation Reference or Terminal Reference or Non Terminal Reference )
  • the type of the converted V5 object (CATPart, CATProduct, CATDrawing or CATShape)

The output of the BLO will be:

  • a string representing the Part Number to be used for Part Number Configuration (attribute "PartNumberConfig")
  • a list representing the Attribute Names (attribute "ListOfTargetAttributeName")
  • a list representing the Attribute types (attribute "ListOfTargetAttributeType")
  • a list representing the Attribute values (attribute "ListOfTargetAttributeValue"),

This output must be mapped on to the Document property.

The Business Logic is invoked on each PLM Component to transfer : Reference, RepresentationReference, Single Representation . As recommended above, Attribute Mapping BLO must set the 4 attributes with the PartNumber string and the Attribute Mapping values.

  • While converting a Terminal Reference, both the inputs, PLMCoreReference and PLMCoreRepresentation will be Non-Null, for a Representation Reference, PLMCoreReference will be Null, for a Non Terminal Reference, PLMCoreRepresentation will be Null.
  • After retrieving the string for the Part Number, the Part Number configuration is applied in the same way as explained in the

Definition of Attribute Mapping Valuation Business Logic Openness

This section describes the way the Attribute Mapping BLO works, its parameters, the context in which it is used.

General Information

PLM Opening IDPLMAttributesMappingAndPN
Customization IntentComputation
Execution ContextClient

Input Objects

The Business Logic is invoked on each PLM Component to transfer : Reference, RepresentationReference, Single Representation etc.

Parameter NameTypesRead/WriteComments

Parameter used to identify the context of mapping. The following values are available: CATDWCAttrMapAndPN for any DWC scenario.


In DWC scenario, this corresponds to proxy of Reference PLM entity for which the attribute mapping is computed.

This could be NULL while processing single Representation.

iSourcePLMComponentRepresentationCATInstance_varReadIn DWC scenario, this corresponds to proxy of Representation PLM entity for which the attribute mapping is computed.
iContextNamestringRead Name of the current Context of transfer. Is Null when running the Conversion in a non associative mode.
iSourceTypestringRead Position of the PLM component in the product structure to be converted. Like "Terminal Reference", "Intermediate Reference", "Representation Reference".
iV5ObjectTypestringRead The type of the converted V5 object, whether CATPart, CATProduct, CATShape, CATDrawing.
oEnterpriseItemNumber string Read The value of this attribute corresponds to the value of the V_PartNumber attribute on the EnterpriseExtension on the 3DEXPERIENCE side.
Note: ThisObject in CATRule Script
  • ThisObject=iSourcePLMComponentReference when iSourceType=“Terminal Reference”, “Intermediate Reference”. Then, iSourcePLMComponentRepresentation can be retrieved as Proxy object with the name "PLMCoreRepresentationObj".
  • ThisObject=iSourcePLMComponentRepresentation : when iSourceType= "Representation Reference".

oPartNumber, oListOfTargetAttrName, oListOfTargetAttrType, oListOfTargetAttrValue are expected output from CATRule. Inside CATRule these parameters can be retrieved using "PartNumberConfig”, “ListOfTargetAttrName”, “ListOfTargetAttrType”, “ListOfTargetAttrValue” alias respectively.

Output Objects

The Business Logic computes the PLMCoreRepReference that satisfies the MainRep criterion defined in CATRule.

Parameter NamesTypesRead/WriteComments
oPartNumberstringWrite Parameter which contains the customized Part Number in case of the converted CATPart to be used in Part Number Configuration, set by the Rule script during computation.
oListOfTargetAttrNamelistWrite Parameter which contains the name of attributes. Set by the Rule script during computation.
oListOfTargetAttrTypelistWrite Parameter which contains the type of attributes. Set by the Rule script during computation.
oListOfTargetAttrValuelistWrite Parameter which contains the value of attributes. Set by the Rule script during computation.

Attribute Mapping Business Logic Use

Transfer of a "Terminal Reference" Object

In this case both the PLMCoreReference and the PLMCoreRepresentation parameters are Non-Null.

After DWC process the object is converted as PN.CATPart where PN is the PLM_ExternalID of the PLMCoreRepresentation.

You have the option to use the attributes of either the PLMCoreReference or the PLMCoreRepresentation or both while defining/customising the attributes of the converted CATPart.

ThisObject = PLMCoreReference

PLMCoreRepresentation object can be retrieved as a Proxy object with the name "PLMCoreRepresentationObj".

 if ( Parameters->HasAttribute("PLMCoreRepresentationObj") == true )
 set iSourcePLMComponentRepresentation= Parameters ->GetAttributeObject("PLMCoreRepresentationObj")

Transfer of an "Intermediate Reference" Object

In this case the PLMCoreReference parameter will be Non-Null whereas the PLMCoreRepresentation parameter can be Null.

After the DWC process, the object is converted as PN.CATProduct where PN is the PLM_ExternalID of the PLMCoreReference.

Transfer of a "Representation Reference" Object

In this case the PLMCoreRepresentationReference parameter will be Non-Null whereas the PLMCoreReference parameter can be Null.

After DWC process the object is converted as PN.CATPart where PN is the PLM_ExternalID of the PLMCoreRepresentation.

Add of a New Attribute

A new attribute can be added by providing the Name, Value, Type for the same in the corresponding output lists of the Business Rule script.

Part Number Configuration

In order to insure unicity of his converted documents, you can define a Part Number for the documents through the Business Logic.

The parameter on which the intended Part Number value is to be set can be retrieved through the "PartNumber" parameter of the CATRule.