About Structure Only

Structure Only is used to import only the necessary core content of a document. Structure Only is useful when there are some documents that cannot be imported using standard FBDI import. FBDI Structure Only is also a method to ensure the core integrity of the content before a standard FBDI import is used.

Structure Only is useful to import only CATProduct documents. For the remaining document types, FBDI standard import method is used. In these CATProduct documents, only the product structure is imported. Other content is removed or ignored during the Structure Only import.

When a CATProduct document is imported using Structure Only, the product features such as product references, instances and components are imported. The contextual links pointing the CATProduct as a context are also imported. V5 properties (to value PLM attributes), graphic properties (hide/show, color) and instance position are the elements that are imported. A publication is empty in case its pointed parameter is not migrated. Elements such as flexibility, activate/deactivate status of the product features, constraints, assembly feature and applicative content are not migrated using Structure Only.