Infrastructure Errors Detected by FBDI

This section lists the errors and its interpretation in FBDI.

Source: "Container name" CAA Container failed to migrate links.
Description: The update of the links of a CAA Container failed.
Workaround: None.
Source: "Container name" error during remove of the container.
Description: The CAA container failed to be removed.
Workaround: None.
Source: "Container name" error in the content of XML file for CAA support. This container already has an implementation.
Description: The XML file declares the migration of a container already defined. This could be a internal DS container.
Workaround: You probably should not declare this container in the CAA XML file.
Source: "Container name" error in the content of XML file for CAA support. This mode is not supported for CATProduct document. mode = "defined mode"
Description: A CAA container in a CATProduct cannot be migrated.
Workaround: You can define this container to be removed in the CAA XML files.
Source: "Container name" error in the content of XML file for CAA support. This mode is not supported for CATPart or CATDrawing document. mode = "defined mode".
Description: A CAA container in a CATPart or a CATDrawing cannot be migrated.
Workaround: You can define this container to be removed in the CAA XML files.
Source: "Container name" error in the content of XML file for CAA support. This kind of document is not supported. docType = "defined doc type".
Description: CAA container can only be defined in CATPart, CATDrawing or CATProduct files.
Workaround: None.
Source: "Container name" error in the content of XML file for CAA support. A container is declared 2 times with a different TargetRep or a different RepId attribute. docType = "defined doc type".
Description: A CAA container cannot be declared with different attributes at the same time for one kind of document.
Workaround: Remove one of the conflicting declaration in the CAA XML files.
Source: The folder defined for the CAA XML files cannot be found.
Description: The folder defined in Me > Preferences for the migration of the CAA content does not exist.
Workaround: Change the directory to an existing one or deactivate the migration of CAA content in Me > Preferences.
Source: "Document name" error in the syntax of XML file for CAA support.
Description: The given XML file has a wrong syntax.
Workaround: Correct syntax of the XML file to respect the DTD.
Source: No folder is defined for CAA XML files in Me > Preferences.
Description: No folder is defined for CAA XML files in Me > Preferences.
Workaround: Define the directory to an existing one or deactivate the migration of CAA content in Me > Preferences.
Source: "Feature name" error in the content of XML file for CAA support. An old attribute of this feature is declared twice with a different new attribute.
Description: There is an error in the content of the CAA XML files. An old attribute appears two times mapped with different new attributes.
Workaround: Remove or correct one of the two declarations.
Source: "Container name" error in the content of XML file for CAA support. This kind of representation reference is not supported.
Description: CAA container can only be migrated into a technological representation or a 3D shape.
Workaround: None.
Source: XML files. CAA XML file content has been changed during session.
Description: CAA XML file content has been changed during session.
Workaround: Restart the session to take CAA support changes into account.
Source: XML files. CAA support has been enabled or disabled during session.
Description: CAA support has been enabled or disabled during session.
Workaround: Restart the session to take CAA support changes into account.
Source: "Container name" error in the content of XML file for CAA support. A container is declared twice with a different mode.
Description: A CAA container cannot be declared to be imported as it is and removed at the same time for one kind of document.
Workaround: Remove one of the conflicting declaration in the CAA XML files.
Source: "Aggregating feature name" CAA container check failed. Container owns a feature aggregating an other feature that is not required to be migrated into the same Rep Ref.
Description: Migration of aggregated feature leads to an invalid inter-representation link.
Workaround: Define the same target representation for aggregated feature as for aggregating feature.
Source: "Extended feature name" CAA container check failed. Container owns a feature extended by an other feature that is not required to be migrated into the same rep ref.
Description: Migration of extended feature leads to invalid inter-representation link.
Workaround: Define the same target representation for extended feature as for base feature.
Source: "Mechanical feature name" CAA container check failed. Container owns a mechanical feature and is not required to be migrated into a 3D shape.
Description: "Mechanical feature" should be migrated in 3D shape.
Workaround: Define 3D shape as target representation in the CAA XML files for container owning this mechanical feature.
Source: "Pointing feature name" CAA container check failed. Feature is pointing by tk_specobject link to another feature that doesn't belong to the same rep ref.
Description: Migration of feature leads to invalid inter-representation link.
Workaround: Define the same target representation for pointing and pointed features.
Source: CAA container cannot be migrated.
Description: Error during Import when checking the input documents.
Workaround: See related error(s) for further information about import failure.
Source: CAA container failed to declare PLM entities.
Description: Error during Import when declaring PLM entities.
Workaround: See related error(s) for further information about import failure.
Source: CAA container failed to migrate PLM entities.
Description: Error during Import when migrating PLM entities.
Workaround: See related error(s) for further information about import failure.
Source: CAA container failed to migrate links.
Description: Error during Import when migrating links.
Workaround: See related error(s) for further information about import failure.
Source: Error in analysis of XML files for CAA support.
Description: Error during Import when parsing XML file(s).
Workaround: See related error(s) for further information about import failure.
Source: CAA container cannot be migrated.
Description: Error during import when checking input documents.
Workaround: See related error(s) for further information about import failure.
Source: CAA container failed to declare PLM entities.
Description: Error during Import when declaring PLM entities.
Workaround: See related error(s) for further information about import failure.
Source: CAA container failed to migrate PLM entities.
Description: Error during Import when migrating PLM entities.
Workaround: See related error(s) for further information about import failure.
Source: CAA container failed to migrate links.
Description: Error during Import when migrating links.
Workaround: See related error(s) for further information about import failure.
Source: Contextual link.

The document "doc name" is pointed but does not belong to the list of imported files. The document can be a root of one of the selected files. Select the document or remove the link to import these files.

The document "doc name" is pointed but does not belong to the list of imported files. A document with same name is present, but the path is different. Deactivate the option "Folder of the link" to import.

The document "doc name" is pointed, but does not belong to the list of imported files. No suitable reason found.

Description: A contextual link element cannot retrieve its context.
Workaround: Deactivate the Folder of the link option. Define a new context using the command Define contextual links or isolate this broken external reference before importing.
Source: Not supported publication type. Creation of port "port name" has failed. Reroute the original publication on the same geometrical element through Publication dialog box before importing.
Description: Publication was badly generated in CATIA V5.
Workaround: Reroute the original publication on the same geometrical element through Publication dialog box before importing.
Source: Invalid character found in the name of the document.
Description: Some characters are not supported, such as: ?
Workaround: Remove the invalid characters from the document name.
Source: Some data in the document cannot be imported using the selected options.
Description: ASMProduct delegates the migration to its extension. It is not pertinent to delegate using light mode or VisuMode.
Workaround: Full Authoring mode.
Source: Importing CATIA files.
Description:Error occurred while importing CATIA files.
Workaround: None.
Source: Importing CATIA files.
Description:Error occurred while importing CATIA files.
Workaround: None.
Source: Failed to open document. Document cannot be read. It is possible to ignore it thanks to extensions filter. This filter is available in the FBDI options dialog box (extensions to ignore).
Description: This type of document is not supported by FBDI.
Workaround: You can filter this kind of document (Me > Preferences > General > File Base Design Import > FBDI General > Extensions to ignore). You can also isolate the link on this document from the CATIA V5 Edit links option or remove the content pointing this document in CATIA V5.
Source: "Document type" This document cannot be imported as its type is not supported.
Description: This type of document is not supported by FBDI.
Workaround: You can filter this kind of document (Me > Preferences > General > File Base Design Import > FBDI General > Extensions to ignore). You can also isolate the link on this document from the CATIA V5 Edit links or remove the content pointing this document in CATIA V5.
Source: Error during save. Error trying to save content imported. And potentially: Cannot create the component because its identifier set is already used for another component. Choose other identifiers.
Description: This message means that save occurring at the end of FBDI failed. content is not saved and result of the migration is lost.
Workaround: If the error is coming from a problem with the identifier set, there are two possibilities:
  • Change the CATIA V5 part number or another property mapped with a 3DEXPERIENCE attribute in the identifier set.
  • Change the prefix for the import in PLM Access > Creation Preferences.
Source:Error during save for components from document.
Description: Error during save for components from document.
Workaround: None
Source:Save is not allowed.
Description: CATProduct document is not allowed in Save scope.
Workaround: Check for failure in previous conversion package.
Source: Error to create the DMT.
Description: The Document Mapping Table creation failed.
Workaround: None.
Source: NON Fixable Error: Error Name. Clean content at CATIA V5 level. Container Container Name.
Description: Error detected on content but it was not possible to correct the problem.
Workaround: The user has to correct the problem in CATIA V5 using the CATDUA tool on the corresponding error.
Source: content integrity checks.
Description: content integrity check fails.
Workaround: Use CATDUA in CATIA V5.
Source: content partially imported. Save cannot be performed.
Description: The structure of one link at least is not 3DEXPERIENCE compliant.
Workaround: Use CATDUA in CATIA V5.
Source: The current environment cannot be used to import content in the modeler: "Modeler Name". Select an other environment and retry the import.
Description: The current environment does not support the creation of content for an application.
Workaround: Use another environment.
Source: This document cannot be imported. It is logged as 3DEXPERIENCE Master. It comes from 3DEXPERIENCE and was modified in CATIA V5.
Description: It is not possible to modify in CATIA V5 a 3DEXPERIENCE Master document (coming from CATDWC) and import it back in 3DEXPERIENCE.
Workaround: Re-export this document using CATDWC or retrieve the original exported document.
Source: "Document Pathname" document cannot be migrated.
Description: This type of document is not supported by FBDI.
Workaround: You can filter this kind of document (Me > Preferences > General > File Base Design Import > FBDI General > Extensions to ignore). You can also isolate the link on this document from the CATIA V5 Edit links or remove the content pointing this document in CATIA V5.
Source: Wrong mapping context for a CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE file. Current file has first been created in a CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE session. However it is not referenced in the current mapping environment. It cannot be processed by FBDI.
Description: This file coming from CATDWC cannot be imported with FBDI.
Workaround: To import the other files, use the same mapping context as the one used to export this file.
Source: New revision creation error.
Description: The creation of the new revisions failed. + ?details from the revision engine on the error?
Workaround: See the details of the error to understand the problem and correct it.
Source: Some components in designer workspace cannot be locked.
Description: The component may be locked by another user, in current designer workspace or in reference.
Workaround: None.
Source: A problem occurred during the lock of the components during versioning operation in designer workspace.
Description: Some components (in DWS and reference) need to be locked before versioning.
Workaround: None.
Source: 3DEXPERIENCE vault file.
Description: Current file comes from CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE vault. It cannot be processed by FBDI.
Workaround: None.
Source: Granted licenses for round trip coexistence scenarios missing.
Description: Some V5 master content points to some 3DEXPERIENCE master content. Acquire round trip coexistence licenses to import such content.
Workaround: None.
Source:Input document has a different type than given LateType. Import is not possible. LateType is: "docType" whereas extension in path descriptor is: "real type of the doc"
Description: The document LateType given by SourceProvider does not correspond to the real type of the document.
Workaround: The LateType of the document should be changed in the source or this document should be ignored.
Source:Specialized type returned by Business Logic is incompatible with input.
Description: The type returned by the CustoType BL must be a specialization of the input type.
Workaround: check the script of the Typing business logic.
Source:Current DBDI settings are not supported
Description: Refresh Mode and CompleteOnlyWithMapping cannot work together, you can only choose one
Workaround: Only activate one, not both.
Source:Current DBDI settings are not supported
Description: Visu Mode and CompleteOnlyWithMapping cannot work together, you can only choose one
Workaround: Only activate one, not both
Source: An error occurred during analysis of exposed links from the Source Provider.
Description: An error occurred during analysis of exposed links from the Source Provider.
Workaround: None
Source: Failed to load components
Description: Failed to load components
Workaround: None
Source: Failed to load components
Description: Failed to retrieve identification information
Workaround: None
Source: The BL openId Business Logic to be used for '/p1'is missing
Description: This error occurs when it is mandatory to have a customization with BL script.
Workaround: check that the scripts are available in the runtime view
Source: It is not possible to order the files to import.
Description: It can be due to a cycle in the links of the files.
Workaround: None
Source: "Document pathname" has unresolved link to: "not found document Id".
Description: The pointing document is missing.
Workaround: Use the Isolate option or remove the link to this document in CATIA V5.
Source: Unavailable document. Following pointed document is missing on disk. "Pointed Document Id". It is however possible to isolate it by activating Isolation Link option.
Description: The pointing document is missing and the link can be isolated.
Workaround: Use the Isolate option or remove the link to this document in CATIA V5.
Source: Unavailable document. Following pointed document is missing on disk: "Pointed Document Id". It's link cannot be isolated.
Description: The pointing document is missing but the link cannot be isolated.
Workaround: Remove the link to this document in CATIA V5.
Source: It is not possible to group files and order them into import packages.
Description: Due to links configuration, no package could be defined for the split import.
Workaround: Reduce the number of documents to order.
Source: It is not possible to import this package.
Description: The import of this package did not succeed during its migration.
Workaround: Reduce the number of documents to order.
Source: A process could not run.
Description: It was not possible to monitor the import processes.
Workaround: Reduce the number of documents to order.
Source: This document could not be migrated because of a pointed document in error. The file path of the pointed document in error is "Pathname of File". This pointed document belongs to another package in failure or has itself a prerequisite document from an other package in failure.
Description: Nothing can be imported.
Workaround: Look for the pointed document result.
Source: Nothing can be imported.
Description: All the pointed documents failed to be imported, so nothing can be imported.
Workaround: Look for the pointed document result.
Source: In Replace mode, a document is missing to perform the import.
Description: To import (update mode) the selected documents, you need to add the one appearing in error message.
Workaround: Add the document appearing in error window in the selected documents list.
Source: In Replace mode, a selected document is too old to be imported.
Description: The selected document has already been migrated with a most recent file revision. So it won't be updated with this previous file revision. As there is a pre-req on this document from another one to be updated, the import is not possible.
Workaround: To import current selected documents, add the most recent revision of the document in the selected document list.
Source: Useless new versions.
Description: New versions have been computed but could not be replaced during the import.
Workaround: Not available
Source: At least one of these files cannot be used to define a package import. "List of files".
Description: The selected files cannot be imported.
Workaround: Reduce the number of documents to order.
Source: Cycle detected in the links between the document "List of documents in the cycle".
Description: The documents in the list point each other in a cycle.
Workaround: Remove links between at least 2 documents of the list in CATIA V5 to remove the cycle and try again the import.
Source: Scope limitation : Pointed document has been imported but has been changed
Description: Block DBDI process, not possible to continue
Workaround: None.
Source: Scope limitation : Pointed document has been imported but in Visu mode
Description: Block DBDI process, not possible to continue
Workaround: None.
Source: This kind of CATfct file cannot be imported.
Description: Only some CATfct can be imported through FBDI.
Workaround: None.
Source: You have not granted access for the selected file in Business Logic (PLMImportExportPnOAndAttributeValuations).
Description: You do not have access privileges to import some files, as specified in the PLMImportExportPnOAndAttributeValuations business logic.
Workaround: Contact the responsible of the Business Logic implementation.
Source: "Container name". This container refuses migration.
Description: No implementation for this type of container.
Workaround: None.
Source: Publication element named Publication Name of type publication could not be migrated.
Description: Error in the migration of this publication.
Workaround: Remove the publication in CATIA V5.
Source: Business logic is not valid.
Description: See details on the error to understand the problem that occurred during the business logic execution.
Workaround: Contact the responsible of the business logic implementation.
Source: Import-export business logic is not valid. Import-export business logic cannot be parsed.
Description: See details on the error to understand the problem that occurred during the business logic execution.
Workaround: Contact the responsible of the business logic implementation.
Source: PLM component creation failed.
Description: The creation of a product component failed.
Workaround: Contact responsible of the business logic implementation.
Source: Modification of attributes of the identifier set is not possible. The value of the attribute "Attribute Name" on the object of type "Component Type" cannot be modified. The value was not modified. Contact your administrator.
Description:The business logic try to modify an attribute of the identifier set. This operation is not valid.
Workaround: Contact responsible of the business logic implementation.
Source: No attribute has been modified by business logic. No attribute has been modified for the object of type : "Object type".
Description: The business logic did not modify any attribute.
Workaround: Contact responsible of the business logic implementation.
Source: One error occurred during import.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: None.
Source: Affect PLMId. A PLMId is being affected twice.
Description: The document cannot be imported but the cause is not identified.
Workaround: None.
Source: The type of the document document refuses migration.
Description: The document cannot be imported but the cause is not identified.
Workaround: None.
Source: Type of the document. This document failed to declare PLM entities.
Description: The document cannot be imported but the cause is not identified.
Workaround: None.
Source: This document failed to migrate.
Description: The document cannot be imported but the cause is not identified.
Workaround: None.
Source: This document refuses the migration.
Description: The document cannot be imported but the cause is not identified.
Workaround: None.
Source: Unable to create a representation reference for this file.
Description: The document cannot be imported but the cause is not identified.
Workaround: None.
Source: This document failed to declare the PLM entities.
Description: The document cannot be imported but the cause is not identified.
Workaround: None.
Source: This document failed to migrate links.
Description: The document cannot be imported but the cause is not identified.
Workaround: None.
Source: This document failed to migrate entities.
Description: The document cannot be imported but the cause is not identified.
Workaround: None.
Source: An error occurred during the deletion of the old content.
Description: The document cannot be imported but the cause is not identified.
Workaround: None.
Source: An error loading the document globally.
Description: The document cannot be imported but the cause is not identified.
Workaround: None.
Source: Error cleaning a V4 model file.
Description: The document cannot be imported but the cause is not identified.
Workaround: None.
Source: Error during mapping tables saving.
Description: Internal error
Workaround: None.
Source: A problem occurred on design tables. Some design tables have not been saved.
Description: Design tables were not correctly imported.
Workaround: None.
Source: An error occurred during mapping tables loading.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: None.
Source: Failed to open document. Error while reading the document.
Description: Some details could explain the origin of the problem.
Workaround: None.
Source: Error during the update process. Some content to update are already in session. Close them before doing FBDI.
Description: This command cannot work on content already in session.
Workaround: Close all your editors and start the command again.
Source: Error during the update process. Cannot retrieve previously migrated content.
Description: The mapping information cannot be retrieved.
Workaround: None.
Source: Error during the update process. Some 3DEXPERIENCE components resulting from a previous Import cannot be reloaded.
Description: The components from the previous import cannot be loaded. They could have been removed, or the P&O could prevent the current user to load them.
Workaround: None for removed components. Try another user for P&O problem.
Source: Error during the update process. It was not possible to remove some content.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: None.
Source: The case of the file on the disk does not correspond to the case of the file pointed from the other documents. The FBDI of the file is not possible: "Doc Pathname". You can use the V5 command "Send to" for this file and the documents pointing it to restore the cohesion.
Description: The case of the name of the file was modified since the save of the content. This situation is not supported by FBDI.
Workaround: Use the "Send to" or "Save as" command in V5.
Source: Failed to open document.
Description: Give details on the open error.
Workaround: None.
Source: Update of mapping failed after creation of new revisions.
Description: New useless revisions have been created and should be deleted.
Workaround: None.
Source: The mapping failed to be saved after the creation of the new revisions. The new revisions of the components that were created should be deleted.
Description: The new revisions of the components that were created should be deleted.
Workaround: Delete the objects created by the versioning operation.
Source: An unknown error occurred during conversion of the V5 stream.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: None.
Source: One error occurred during import.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: None.
Source: An unknown error occurred during the analysis of the list of representations to import.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: None.
Source: An unknown error occurred during the computation of the list of the representations to import.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: None.
Source: One error occurred during the computation of document list. One of the probable root cause is due to parallel import by two users on the same (shared) data. Users facing this error should try importing same data again later. Further analysis would be needed if it does not solve the issue.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: None.
Source: Fail to compute the import mode for this document.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: For the non CATIA document, you can exclude the type of document in the options.
Source: Unexpected Error. Update scenario may not work properly on the imported content.
Description: SaveMapping fails (DBDI only).
Workaround: None.
Source: Connection to the Designer Workspace failed.
Description: Internal Error.
Workaround: None.
Source: FileVVS URL copy failed.
Description: Copying of stream from source to destination temporary directory failed.
Workaround: None.
Source: There are other minor versions opened in session. Please close
Workaround: Close opened minor versions.
Source: Failed to compute the import mode for this document. Check document name/type.
Description: GetDocumentType(), Creation of mapping component fails
Workaround: None.
Source: We found two identical files. We are going to migrate File 2.
Description: Check IR-246179 IR for details.
Workaround: None.
Source: An error occurred during the link computation.
Description: An error occurred during the link computation of representions to import.
Workaround: None.
Source: An unknown error occurred during the load of mapping for scope completion.
Workaround: None.
Source: An unknown error occurred during the load of mapping for migration.
Workaround: None.
Source: An error occurred during contextual links redirection. Contextual part is: "Document name". Element Name is: "Element name". Contextual assembly is: "Document name".
Description: The contextual link import failed.
Workaround: Isolate contextual link in CATIA V5.
Source: Pathname of the document. Document cannot be read because it has been created with a too recent revision of CATIA V5.
Description: Document coming from a CATIA V5 revision not yet supported.
Workaround: Use a more recent revision of 3DEXPERIENCE.
Source: Document cannot be read because it has been created with a too recent revision of CATIA V5.
Description: CGR document coming from a CATIA V5 revision not yet supported.
Workaround: Use a more recent revision of 3DEXPERIENCE.
Source: The import of document from http/https link is not supported.
Description: The selection of a file pointed through http or https is not supported.
Workaround: Select the file using a supported file system.
Source: An upward link has not been correctly converted.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: None.
Source: A document from an academia environment cannot be imported in a business environment.
Description: Document from an academia environment cannot be imported in a business environment.
Workaround: None.
Source: Unknown. Fail in is migrable.
Description: Internal error
Workaround: None.
Source: Application name. Fail to declare PLM entities.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: None.
Source: Application name. Fail to declare PLM entities.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: None.
Source: Application name. Fail to migrate entities.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: None.
Source: Unknown. Fail to migrate entities.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: None.
Source: Application name. Fail to migrate links.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: None.
Source: Unknown. Fail to migrate links.
Description: Internal error.
Workaround: None.
Source: "Container Name"
Description: This container has no implementation, so migration is refused
Workaround: None.
Source: Implementation of method MigrateEntities for object LateType
Description: The migration of the LateType element failed. No error message was added to the report, so the cause is unknown. Contact the responsible of the migration of this element (or the responsible of the migration of the aggregating container). An error message must be added in the report.
Workaround: None.
Message: The V5 data is not up to date.
Description: Error while importing CATIA files.
Workaround: None.
Message: The 3DEXPERIENCE data is not up to date before the restore.
Description: Error while importing CATIA files.
Workaround: None.
Message: Could not restore the update status of the 3DEXPERIENCE data because its capture failed.
Description: Error while importing CATIA files.
Workaround: None.
Source: Publication ignored
Description: Based on its name, the publication '/p1' have been identified as a useless publication. Therefore it won't be migrated.
Workaround: None.
Source: Importing CATIA files.
Description: Error while importing CATIA files.
Workaround: None.
Source: Importing CATIA files.
Description: Error while importing CATIA files.
Workaround: None.
Warning CAA_0535
Source: "Container name" CAA Container check failed. Container already exists with the same UserId in the same document.
Description: Several containers with same UserId are found in document. This is tolerated but may reveal a strange modelization.
Workaround: None.
Warning CAA_0536
Source: "Feature name" CAA Container check warning. Feature won't be migrated because its parent feature (aggregating/base feature) is removed.
Description: Since parent feature is not migrated, its child features are also not migrated.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4101
Source: Multi-representation not supported.
Description: Import of CATPart with multiple representations is not yet supported. Default representation only has been imported.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4103
Source: Not supported publication type. Publications located in CATProduct document pointing to parameter located in CATPart document are not supported. The port "port name" has been created empty.
Description: Publications located in CATProduct document pointing to parameter located in CATPart document are not supported.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4105
Source: Publication name not modified. The publication name was changed in V5 since the first import. The name of the corresponding 3DEXPERIENCE publication is not modified. Original publication name is "Publication name from first import". The new name "Publication name" is not taking into account.
Description: The publications cannot be renamed in 3DEXPERIENCE.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4106
Source: Publication 'nameOfPub' could not be declared. Entities declaration has failed. Entities migration was skipped. Links migration was skipped.
Description: An unexpected error occurred during the PLM entities declaration of a publication. Therefore, its PLM entities declaration and migration will be skipped by the FBDI engine.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4107
Source: Product reference 'nameOfRef' could not be declared. Entities migration was skipped.
Description: An error occurred during the entity declaration of a product reference. The reference will not be migrated.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4108
Source: Publication 'nameOfPub' could not be migrated. Entities migration has failed. Links migration was skipped.
Description: An unexpected error occurred during the PLM entities migration of a publication. Therefore, its migration will be skipped by the FBDI engine.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4109
Source: Product instance 'nameOfInstance' could not be declared. Entities migration was skipped.
Description: An error occurred during the entity declaration of a product instance. The instance will not be migrated.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4110
Source: Publication 'nameOfPub' 's links could not be migrated. Links migration has failed.
Description: An unexpected error occurred during the links migration of a publication. Therefore, its migration will be skipped by the FBDI engine.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4111
Source: Activation/Deactivation status for the instance 'nameOfInstance' could not be migrated.
Description: The activation/deactivation of the instance is not migrated due to an unexpected error.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4112
Source: Graphical properties for the instance 'nameOfInstance' could not be migrated.
Description: The graphical properties of the instance were not migrated due to an unexpected error.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4113
Source: Product instance 'nameOfInstance' could not be migrated.
Description: An error occurred during the entities migration of a product instance. The instance will not be migrated.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4114
Source: Properties of the instance 'nameOfInstance' could not be migrated.
Description: An error occurred during the migration of the instance's properties. These properties won't be migrated.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4115
Source: Product reference 'nameOfreference' could not be migrated.
Description: An error occurred during the entities migration of a product reference. The reference will not be migrated.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4116
Source: Failed to locate the representation reference.
Description: The representation reference was not found.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4117
Source: Representation instance could not be migrated.
Description: The representation instance could not be created.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4118
Source: Product properties could not be migrated.
Description: An error occurred during the migration of a product's properties. These properties won't be migrated.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4120
Source: An occurrence of product instance 'nameOfInstance' could not be migrated.
Description: An error occurred during the entities migration of a product instance occurrence. The occurrence will not be migrated.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4121
Source: A contextual link has been isolated. Contextual part is: "Part name". Element name is: "Element name". Contextual assembly is: "Assembly name".
Description: The link could not be imported so it has been isolated.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4122
Source: Publication 'nameOfPub' could not be migrated because one with the same name was already migrated.
Description: Within an import, we try to migrate a publication that has the same name as one that was previously migrated.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4123
Source: Modification on identifier set attribute is ignored. The value of the attribute "Attribute name" on the object of type"Object type" has been modified through business logic. As this attribute belongs to identifier set this modification is ignored.
Description: The identifier set attributes are not modified by the business logic.
Workaround: Update the script of the business logic so it does not try to modify the attributes of the identifier set.
Warning INFRA_4124
Source: A contextual link has been isolated. Contextual part is: "Part name". Element Name is: "Element name". Contextual assembly is: "Assembly name".
Description: The link could not be imported so it has been isolated.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4125
Source: Isolation of a broken contextual import. A broken contextual import has been removed.
Description: The link could not be imported so it has been isolated.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4126
Source: Isolation of a broken contextual import. A broken contextual import has been removed. Original content of this broken contextual import were located in document "Document name".
Description: The link could not be imported so it has been isolated.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4127
Source: Isolation of a broken contextual import. A broken contextual import has been removed. Original content of this broken contextual import were located in document "Document name".
Description: The link could not be imported so it has been isolated.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4128
Source: "Container name" This container is not migrated.
Description: No implementation for this type of container.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4129
Source: Product instance "Instance name": The properties of one occurrence could not be migrated.
Description: The properties of the occurrence were not imported.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4130
Source: A publication was renamed to skip a naming conflict Original name was : toto, New name is: toto_1.
Description: With multireps (DBDI), there may be naming conflicts with Publications. An attempt was made to rename the Publication. The rename resulted in a successful creation.
Workaround: Rename publications in V5.
Warning INFRA_4131
Source: It was not possible to create a 3DEXPERIENCE PORT even with a renaming. Publication name was : toto.
Description: With multireps (DBDI) there may be naming conflicts with Publications. An attempt was made to rename the Publication. The rename still resulted in failure.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4132
Source: It wasn't possible to create a PORT with name : toto. Check that a port with the same name has not been created before and modify the name on original content if necessary.
Description: The creation of a PORT fails. The reason could be a naming conflict issue.
Workaround: Rename publications in V5.
Warning INFRA_4133
Source: It was not possible to create a PORT with name : toto
Description: The creation of a PORT fails. The reason cannot be a naming conflict issue.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4134
Source: Port Name Modification. To be conform with 3DEXPERIENCE naming rule a port has been created with a slightly different name from the publication one. Original publication name is 'Original Port Name' whereas port name is 'Modified Port Name'.
Description: Some characters are no longer supported in the Publication name. They are automatically removed during the import.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4201
Source: After the import, the content is no longer up to date. A manual update is necessary.
Description: The import had an impact on the update status of the document.
Workaround: Update the result of the import manually.
Warning INFRA_4202
Source: An import link on a parameter in a CATProduct file has been isolated.
Description: This V5 modelization is not supported.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4301
Source: Cleaning of unknown features + list of the removed features.
Description: Some features have an unknown type. They are deleted in the FBDI process. The features aggregated by a removed features are also deleted.
Workaround: Clean input content in CATIA V5.
Warning INFRA_4303
Source: Error during the update process. Some previously migrated content cannot be reloaded in Edit mode.
Description: Some content cannot be visible in the editor at the end of FBDI.
Workaround: FBDI is not interrupted. Close and re-open your content.
Warning INFRA_4304
Source: Some content in the document results in the No import mode.
Description: The document is not imported.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4305
Source: content created on 3DEXPERIENCE and modified on CATIA V5.
Description: The content you are trying to import comes from 3DEXPERIENCE and has been modified in CATIA V5. It is a conflicting situation. Current content as well as its pointed content will not be updated through FBDI.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4306
Source: There is no content to be saved.
Description: All the files were already imported using the mapping tables.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4307
Source: Non CATIA V5 documents are not imported when connected to a Designer workspace.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4308
Source: Data imported in friend context and modified outside of friend context
Description: Data you are trying to import has been modified outside of friend context. It is a conflicting situation. Current data will not be updated through FBDI.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4309
Source: Input document has a different type than given LateType. Import is not possible. LateType is: "docType" whereas extension in path descriptor is: "real type of the doc"
Description: The document LateType given by SourceProvider does not correspond to the real type of the document.
Workaround: The LateType of the document should be changed in the source or this document should be ignored.
Warning INFRA_4310
Source: Data imported in friend context and modified outside of friend context
Description: Data you are trying to import has been modified outside of friend context. It is a conflicting situation. Current data will not be updated through FBDI.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4311
Source: Input document/stream is missing in source vault while importing this document in V6.
Description: Input document/stream is missing in source vault while importing this document in V6.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4313
Source: Document is filtered by User
Description: This document will be filtered out of the scope
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4314
Source: Document is not found in scope.
Description: This document will be filtered out of the scope
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4315
Source: Document parent is not found in scope.
Description: This document will be filtered out of the scope.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4319
Source: Some previously migrated data are missing.

Optional message: Failed to update mapping for some of these missing objects.

Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4320
Source: A missing object is recreated.
Description: This message will also provide identifier of object re-created.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4401
Source: A link towards external document cannot be taken into account.
Description: The current external link presents an empty path as pointed document path. This path is then ignored.
Workaround: Clean input content in CATIA V5.
Warning INFRA_4402
Source: Pointed Document is ignored. "Document pathname" is ignored as its extension is not authorized.
Description: The document is not imported.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4403
Source: Link isolation. The pointing element was: "Name of the pointing object". The pointed document was: "Name of the pointed documents".
Description: Generic warning message for isolation of links during import.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4404
Source: Pointed document environment is not File. Pointed document: "Document pathname" is ignored as its environment is: "Document Environment". It could be possible to import it through DBDI.
Description: The pointed document is not imported.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4405
Source: The content "component Id" cannot be promoted in the Reference. Remove links to these components to be able to promote the workspace.
Description: DWS : content that cannot be inserted under the root of DWS cannot be promoted.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4406
Source: It is not Regular file link. Importing SmartTeam document found on disk.
Description: FBDI of pointed SMT documents which are available on disk are handled using the proper SearchOrder strategies in 3DEXPERIENCE preferences.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_4407
Source: Failed to compute licence check on the document
Description: Document coming from V5 must provide licencing information.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_5101
Source: Unable to value the mapping attribute.
Description: The V5 properties were not reported on the 3DEXPERIENCE component.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_5102
Source: Publication without name. A publication has no name. The corresponding port has been created with the following name: "name of the port".
Description: Port created with a computed name.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_5304
Source: Warning raised while opening the file "File name".
Description: Give details on the open warning.
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_5305
Source: Open failed. Migration skipped. The links pointing this document will be isolated.
Description: DBDI migration: the open of the document failed.
Workaround: Check if the source document is not corrupted.
Warning INFRA_5306
Source: Error during the CEStamp update in the mapping.

Migration skipped. The links pointing this document will be isolated

Description: DBDI migration: the open of the document failed
Workaround: Unexpected Error. The CEStamps in the mapping object for the documents in current package won't be corrected.
Warning INFRA_5307
Source: At least one CXR1 CATPart could not be processed to compute a CGR
Description: At least one CXR1 CATPart could not be processed to compute a CGR
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_5308
Source: There is no document to migrate in scope
Workaround: None.
Warning INFRA_5309
Source: Open failed

Migration skipped. The links pointing this document will be isolated

Description: DBDI migration: Structure Components load failed
Workaround: Check metadata transfer for missing components.
Warning INFRA_5310
Source: At least one CATPart could not be processed because of an incompatible scale.
Description: At least one CATPart could not be processed because of an incompatible scale.
Workaround: Check the range setting used to import the data.
Warning INFRA_6301
Source: There is no representation to convert.
Description: There is no representation to convert.
Workaround: None.