Isolating Links on Missing Document

You can isolate links pointing to a missing document using the Isolate links on missing document option in interactive or batch mode.

Before you begin: Select the User Choice option in the Link Isolation section of the FBDI General tab. For more information about this option, see Installation and Administration: CATIA, DELMIA, SIMULIA: Settings: General Settings: File-based Design Import: FBDI General
  1. In the Select the files to Import dialog box, select the file(s) to import in 3DEXPERIENCE using the Add File button. For more information about this dialog box, see Running FBDI Interactively
  2. In the Execution Mode section, select the Isolate links on missing document check box.
  3. Click OK to import.
  4. Validate the import in the Files to process dialog box.
    The list of content to import is available after cleaning all link issues.
    • The application in charge of a feature can declare a link as useless. It means that the pointed document cannot be migrated to 3DEXPERIENCE.
    • If the link is pointing a missing document and cannot be isolated, a message appears asking the user to redirect or remove it in V5.
    • When V5 content is huge, you can split it in packages before importing it in 3DEXPERIENCE.