Simulating Resource Kinematics Associated to a Track

You can associate a resource with a Track. This allows you to define the resource component position according to the moving object and to take into account the resource kinematic along with Track simulation.

Before you begin: Open your simulation content in Assembly Evaluation. The content includes Tracks under operations.
Important: This command works only if at least one resource meets the following criteria:
  • The resource is assigned to the operation.
  • The resource is a robot or a tool device with inverse kinematics.
  • The resource is not moved by the Track.
  • The resource is not used as reference to define the position.
  1. Under an operation, select a Track.
    The resource and the moving objects are positioned as per the Build-Up options.
  2. Right-click the selected Track and from the context menu of the Track, click Associate Resource Kinematics .
    The Associate Resource Kinematics dialog box opens.
  3. Select the required information as follows:

    • Track is the name of the selected Track. It is a read-only label.
    • Resource is the name of the selected resource. Click the list to display the list of valid resources. By default, the first valid resource is selected and highlighted in the tree and the 3D area. (The highlighted resource is updated when the selection is changed.)
      Note: In case of inconsistency, a warning icon appears. It can be when:
      • The resource is no longer assigned to the operation.
      • The link to the reference is broken, that is, the resource has been deleted.
      • The resource is not loaded in the session.
      • The resource position is inconsistent, that is, the current position of the resource tool center point (TCP) does not match the position it reaches when the Track simulation reaches the reference T-Point.

      When an inconsistency is detected, OK is replaced by Update. Click Update to have the relative position, the resource Degrees of Freedom (DOFs), and the reference T-Point updated with the current values.

    • Remove Association corresponds with the cross icon. When selected, the Resource is removed and the reference T-Point options are disabled. Click OK to definitely validate the removal of the association between the Track and the resource or Cancel to discard it. It is only enabled when an association already exists.
      Note: You can also access this command from the context menu of the Track. Right-click the Track and from the context menu of the Track, click Remove Associated Resource .
    • First T-Point and Last T-Point are the reference T-Point - as a way to determine the position along the Track that corresponds to the resource position. It computes the relative position of the selected resource's TCP from this reference T-Point. By default, the option corresponding to the T-Point closest to the TCP of the resource is selected. (The option is updated when the selected resource is changed.)
    • Options corresponds with the gear icon. Click the gear icon to display the available options.

      The Show Resource According to Track option informs you of the difference in computed resource positions if there is an inconsistency. It is only useful when executing the command on a Track with an existing association.

  4. Click OK to validate.

    • In case of inconsistency, you can click Update to have the values updated.
    • Click Cancel to exist the command without saving your changes.

    The association between the Track and the resource is created.

    A link to the selected resource is stored along with the relative position of the TCP to the reference T-Point and the set of DOFs of the resource.

    The moving objects are positioned according to the chosen T-Point.

  5. Simulate the Track.
    The mechanism of the resource is also simulated along with the moving objects and is manipulated using inverse kinematics so that the TCP position matches the computed position.
    Note: The simulation of the associated resource also happens when editing a Track. The resource kinematics is manipulated whenever:
    • The Compass is dragged.
    • A T-Point is selected.
    • The Track is played within the Track command.

    If any changes to the T-Points such as addition, deletion, modification, or reordering are done during Track authoring that lead to a change in the position of the reference T-Point, a warning panel appears. Click OK to confirm the modification and exit the Track command or Cancel to return to the Track command.

    Important: Once the association is created,
    • any of the following actions can stop the simulation:
      • The associated resource has been deleted.
      • The associated resource is not loaded in the session.
      • The associated resource is no longer assigned to the operation.
      • The resource position of the associated resource has been modified.
    • any of the below actions can create a discontinuity in the simulation:
      • The defined position of the context operation has been modified.
      • The Track and the position of the reference T-Point have been modified.
      • The Track has been reversed.
      • The resource structure has been modified by changing the active tool profile.