Open the Manufacturing Assembly Data

In this first step, you will open your Manufacturing Assembly data and create an item Track.

Before you begin: Open your content containing items in a PPR Context, start Assembly Evaluation, and activate the 3D Simulation environment. The tree is displayed.
  1. Select an item in the tree.
    The product build-up is displayed for the selected item. Products implemented by the selected item are visualized in normal mode. Products implemented by other manufacturing assemblies are displayed in transparency mode.
  2. Select the Excitations panel.
  3. Select a manufacturing assembly in the 3D view.
    The selection assistant appears for the manufacturing assembly.
  4. Click Change Active Simulation Object to make the manufacturing assembly the active simulation object.
  5. Select the Up arrow in the ASO panel to browse the manufacturing assembly hierarchy.
  6. Right-click the Excitations panel, and select Create Track.
    The Track Authoring context toolbar appears.
  7. Click Moving Objects .
    The Moving Objects dialog box appears. All products implemented by the item are taken into account as moving parts.
  8. Click Close to exit the assistant.
  9. In the Track Authoring dialog box, define the T-Points of the Track.
  10. Click OK to create the Track.
    A thumbnail is created for the Track in the Excitations panel.