Record a Track

In this step, you create a track using the context toolbar.

Important: Tutorial videos are provided for demonstration purposes only. There may be differences between your app's GUI and the one shown in the video.

Click Play to watch the video:

  1. From the Simulation section of the action bar, click New Track .
  2. Select the Air Filter Cover.
    The context toolbar appears.
  3. Move the part.
  4. Enter 150 mm in the length editor.
  5. Click Record to create a T-Point.
  6. In the same way, create other T-Points.
  7. Click to create the track.
  8. Click the arrow on the track to reverse the track direction.
  9. Select the track.
  10. Click Play  in the Compass to simulate the motion of the track.

    The part moves to the end of the track.

    • In a PPR context, you can return the part to the beginning of the track by clicking Restore Nominal State in the Product Build-Up Options Panel.
    • In a simulation context, to return the part to the beginning of the track, click Go to Beginning (Home) in the 3DEXPERIENCE player before exiting the simulation.

Next step: Modify the Track.