Creating a Track Using Part Bin or Previous Part Position

In a Production System context, you can specify the part bin or the previous part position as the initial position of the Track.

Before you begin: Load your Production System data in the 3D Simulation environment.
  1. From the Simulation section of the action bar, click Show Gantt Chart .
    The System-Operation-Track Gantt chart appears.

    Note: The part bin is defined on operation Load_A.
  2. Right-click the operation Load_A in the Gantt chart and select Create Track.
    The Track Authoring context toolbar appears.
  3. Click Moving Objects .
    The Moving Objects panel appears.
  4. Select Product A as the product to move in this Track, then close the panel.
    The Robot appears on the part you selected. The Part bin position is proposed as a Trajectory point (T-Point) for the Track.

    The Track Authoring context toolbar, the Experience Player and the Track Authoring dialog box also appear.

  5. Using the Robot, move the part and click Record to create the first segment of the Track.
  6. Select the proposed Part bin position, click Record , then click OK.
    The Track is created and added under the operation in the Gantt chart .
  7. Right-click the Track in the Gantt chart and select Reverse Track.
  8. Click Play in the Compass to observe the reverse motion of the Track.

  9. Right-click the operation Move_A in the Gantt chart and select Create Track.
    The Track Authoring dialog box appears.
  10. Select Product A as the product to move in this Track.

    The Robot appears on the part you selected.

  11. Using the Robot and Record , create the segments of the Track.

  12. Select the proposed Previous position as final T-Point for the Track.
  13. Click OK in the Track Authoring dialog box when all the segments are defined.
    The Track is created and added under the operation in the Gantt chart.

  14. Right-click the Track in the Gantt chart and select Reverse Track.
  15. Click Play in the Compass to observe the reverse motion of the Track.