You can a message between two actors.
From the active sequence diagram view, select an actor, a lifeline or an activation.
- If the life lines of logical actors are selected, logical messages are created according to the connection between the selected actors.
- If activations linked to functions are selected, functional messages are created according to the functional connection between the functions linked to the selected activations.
- If activations not linked to functions are selected, logical messages are created according to the connection between the selected actors.
From the Sequence Diagram section of the action bar, click Create New Message
. -
To link the selected actor to another actor, from the active sequence diagram view, click the second actor you want to connect.
The Flow/System Type Association dialog box appears.
In the Flow/System Type Reference section of the Flow/System Type Association dialog box:
In the
Title box, enter the title to be displayed in the
tree and in the 2D representation.
Name box displays the non-editable and unique
key server identifier.
Optional: Enter a
In the Flow/System Type Interface Instance section of the Flow/System Type Association dialog box, type a Flow/System Type Interface Instance Identifier.
Click Next.
A context toolbar appears in view, next to the created message, to let you choose a message type option.
- In the context toolbar, select one of the following message type options:
: Synchronous
: Asynchronous
: Return
The message line is updated according to the selected message type option.
A message is created and displayed in the active sequence diagram view between the two selected actors.