Functional & Logical Design

Functional & Logical Design helps display the RFLP definition of a product and edit the functional and logical models.

See Also
Functional & Logical Design Basics
What's New
In Other Guides

Functional & Logical Design is accessible:

Functional & Logical Design is used for a product-conception approach based on the description of the product through different levels of abstraction (RFLP).

Basically, Functional & Logical Design enables you to:

  • Display the Requirement (R) and Physical (P) definition of a system
  • Author its Functional (F) and Logical (L) definition
  • Create implement links between these four categories

Additionally, Functional & Logical Design enables you to:

  • Insert Modelica behaviors
  • Simulate a model

Functional & Logical Design is not compatible with the Offline mode.

This product might use or depict Intellectual Property (IP) protected data. It is the user’s responsibility to safeguard the IP protected data when allowing others to view, export, or print the data. This includes the thumbnail representations of parts or assemblies used in markup screens. For more information on the use of IP Protection and safeguarding IP Protected data, see Social and Collaborative: Enterprise Modeling and Execution: IP Controlled Access.