Creating Logical Connections

Between two logical components, you can create a logical connection, i.e. a link between two logical ports displayed in 2D and materializing the exchange of the ports.

Before you begin: In Me > Preferences > Infrastructure > Functional & Logical Design > General, select the Create Ports option in the Connection Creation Default Mode area.
See Also
About Logical Connections
About Interfaces, Ports and Flow Associations
  1. From the Edition section of the action bar, click Create Logical Connection .

    Note: The command is also available in the context menu.

  2. Select a first logical component (the emitter logical component).
    A connection line appears under your pointer.
  3. Select a second logical component (the consumer logical component).

    Tip: If the logical components you want to connect already have ports associated to/from (emitted/consumed), select the emitted port of the first logical component and then the consumed port of the other logical component.

  4. In the System Type Association dialog box, select one of these options:
  5. For the purpose of this scenario, select Associate New System Type, and then click Next.
  6. In the Logical Connection tab:
    1. In the Title box, enter the title to be displayed in the tree and in the 2D representation.

      Note: The Name box displays the non-editable and unique key server identifier.

    2. Optional: Enter a description.
  7. Click OK.

    The two logical components are connected.

    The logical connection is displayed in the tree and the 2D graph.

    Warning: When connecting two logical components from different level in the structure, a port is created for all impacted component.

    In this example, the connection impacts three components: this connection creates 3 ports and 2 connections.

    • The broadcast is possible on output ports: several connections can start from the same output port.
    • The connected ports must have the same type (or both not typed). If you select a port with type and a port without type, the command automatically assigned to the port without type the type of the other port.
    • The concentration of several connections on one input (or In/Out) port is not supported. In the case of a No Direction port, the concentration is possible (A=B=C).
    • The selection of an input port already connected to a logical connection is not supported when creating a logical connection (except if it is a port of direction No Direction).