Inserting Existing Product Configuration

With the Product Configuration command, you can specify a product configuration when inserting an object in the structure. This configuration is applied to the inserted object substructure.

This task shows you how to insert a filtered logical component. Note that the scenario is identical for an insertion in a function or in a product.

See Also
About Configuration in Functional & Logical Design
  1. In the tree, select a logical component.

  2. From the Edition section of the action bar, click Product Configuration .
    The Object Selection dialog box appears.

    A message appears asking you to either:

    • Select an object in the tree or in the work area. A Filter symbol appears under your pointer to let you select the object in the session.
    • Run a query using the Search field. The Search Results panel lets you select the existing object. For more about the search functionality, see the 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps user's guide.

  3. To display a list of available logical component references, use one of the following methods:
    • Open the From Search tab, enter a substring of the desired logical component references then click Search. Alternatively, you can click Advanced Search and enter search criteria in the Search Criteria dialog box.

    • Open the From Session tab, click Retrieve loaded data. The list of already loaded content appears.

  4. Select the logical component to be inserted, and then click OK.
    The logical component is inserted in the structure with a link to the selected product configuration to indicate that the substructure for this instance of the component will be filtered by the product configuration.
    Important: This configuration will be applied only the next time you open your session. You must save and close your current session, and then reopen your session to see the modification applied to your logical structure.
    • If the selected logical component reference has any product configurations associated to it, the Select a configuration dialog box appears to display the list of associated product configurations.

      Select the associated product configuration from the list, and then click OK.

    • If the selected logical component reference does not have any associated product configuration, an error message appears.