Copying and Pasting 2D Graphic Properties

You can copy and paste 2D graphic properties of a functional, logical or schematic entity to another functional, logical or schematic entity.

You can copy and paste the following entities:

  • Functional or logical entities:
    • Reference/instance
    • Port/functional or logical interface
    • Connection
    • Group of ports/connections
  • Schematic entities:
    • Symbols
    • Connection points
    • Routes
    • 2D schematic representations
    • Annotations (text, balloon, table, arow)

Important: The RFLP Painter only considers the following properties:
  • Fill color
  • Fill/unfill
  • Line color
  • Line type
  • Line thickness
  • Low intensity properties

To copy and paste the properties of annotations, from the Drafting app, use the Copy Objects Format.

For more information about the Copy Objects Format command for annotations, see Drafting User's Guide: Working with Annotations: Copying Graphic Properties.

This task shows you how to:

Create and Paste 2D Graphic Properties in Single Mode

You can paste 2D graphic properties in single mode.

  1. Select the object whose graphic properties you want to copy.
  2. In the 2D Graph section of the action bar, click RFLP Painter to copy the graphic properties of this object.
  3. Select the entity to which you want to apply these properties.
    The properties are pasted.
    Note: When you copy a functional or logical instance from the tree:
    • If the functional or logical instance contains at least one symbol, the default 2D graphic properties of the symbol are pasted.
    • If the functional or logical instance contains no symbol, the 2D graphic properties of the functional or logical instances in main view are pasted.

Create and Paste 2D Graphic Properties in Repeat Mode

You can create and paste 2D graphic properties in repeat mode.

  1. Select the object whose graphic properties you want to copy.
  2. In the 2D Graph section of the action bar, click RFLP Painter to copy the graphic properties of this object.
  3. Select the entities to which you want to apply these properties.
    The properties are pasted.
    Note: To exit this command, press Esc or click RFLP Painter .