About Behaviors

In the description of an RFLP system, a behavior describes how the system manages input/output and how it reacts to external events. Such systems can be virtually executed.

To create behaviors in the Functional & Logical Design app, a Systems Behavior Infrastructure license is required.

Note: Mechanical behaviors differ from other behaviors.

This page discusses:

Basic Behavior Concepts

This section deals with the concepts you should know before working with behaviors.

Logical or Functional Behavior

A behavior can be inserted in a function or in a logical component.

Behavior Storage

When a behavior is created in a function or in a logical component, a functional or logical representation is created simultaneously.

From the Functional & Logical Design app, you can create:

  • In functions
    • Dymola behaviors
    • FMI behaviors
  • In logical components:
    • Dymola behaviors
    • Context behaviors
    • Mechanical behaviors
    • FMI behaviors

Note: You can insert several Dymola behaviors in a function or in a logical component.

Behavior Libraries

A behavior library is a library reference containing behaviors that can be reused in different functions or logical components. To be able to reuse a behavior, you must create it within a library.

A behavior stored in a library can be reused:

  • In another behavior library
  • In a functional or logical representation .

Note: A behavior library is a representation reference, that is, an autonomous reference within the database. A behavior library cannot be aggregated to a function or logical component.
Tip: To see where a given Dymola behavior library is used, you can use the Relations. See Relations UserĀ“s Guide.

Ports and Interfaces Mapping

When creating a behavior in a function or logical component, behavior ports and interfaces are created and linked with the ports and interfaces of the function or logical component.

When you edit a behavior (from the Dymola Behavior Modeling app), you can also connect its ports and interfaces to the components. This behavior mapping can then be browsed from the Functional & Logical Design app.

Note: One advantage using interfaces when creating Dymola or Context behaviors is that you can connect to subelement in the created behavior interface. In other words, interfaces support hierarchical connectors in behaviors.

Dymola Behavior

In a Dymola behavior, inputs are computed continuously, not step-by-step.

The dynamic modeler is Dymola, which uses the Modelica language.

You can create Dymola behaviors in functions or logical components from the Functional & Logical Design app, but to edit such behaviors you must enter the Dymola Behavior Modeling app. However, you can still do some work with parameters without entering the Dymola Behavior Modeling app. For more information about this feature, see About Working with Parameters in Dymola Behaviors.

For more information in general, see the Dymola Behavior Modeling User's Guide.

Context Behavior

A Context behavior can be inserted in a logical component, to store dynamic models with an inner type.

Such behaviors are applied to all subcomponents (provided they contain Dymola behaviors with equivalent "outer" model), to create a global context (force of gravity, temperature...).

A Context behavior has no connection with the logical components. As a consequence, the ports/interfaces mapping synchronization is not available in such behavior.

For more information, see Creating Inner and Outer Models for Context Behavior.

FMI Behavior

An FMI behavior is a time-continuous behavior. FMI stands for Functional Mock-up Interface. Each FMI contains an FMU (Functional Mock-up Unit). The FMU is a model package implemented according to the FMI standard.

You can:

  • Import FMU files to functions or logical components. Corresponding behavior representations are created containing the imported FMUs.
  • Replace existing FMUs
  • Expose FMU parameters as knowledge parameters, and overload their values
  • Export imported FMUs.

Mechanical Behavior

Mapping a physical mechanism to a logical component creates a logical reference to the physical mechanism. This logical reference contains a mechanical behavior.

A mechanical behavior connects Dymola behaviors to physical mechanism via logical components. You can create and edit a logical-physical model in the Functional & Logical Design app only. It can be reused, but cannot be stored in a library. It is displayed in the 2D graph, but not in the tree.

For more information, see Mapping of Physical and Logical Models.


Behaviors are visible in the tree and in the 2D graph.


From the tree or from the 2D graph, you can double-click a behavior name to edit it in the Dymola Behavior Modeling app.

2D Graph

When a function or logical component contains a behavior, a behavior list icon appears in its 2D graph representation, in the lower right corner of the component.

You can click this icon to display the behaviors list.

A red arrow appears on the active behavior.