Exposing and Editing FMU Parameters as Knowledge Parameters

You can expose FMU parameters as knowledgeware parameters, and edit their values.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: You must have an FMI behavior in the tree.

Expose FMU Parameters as Knowledge Parameters

You can expose FMU parameters as knowledgeware parameters.

  1. In the tree, right-click the FMI icon and select Properties .
    The Properties dialog box appears.
  2. In the Properties dialog box:
    1. Select the FMI Parameter Properties tab to display the FMU parameters.
    2. In the Exposed column, select the parameters to expose as knowledge parameters.
    3. Click OK.
      The selected parameters appear in the tree. The following image shows an example with three FMU parameters exposed as knowledge parameters.
      Note: To display the parameter values in the tree, select the With value preference in Me > Preferences > General > Parameters and Measure, the Knowledge tab.

      • If the FMU parameter has a known magnitude/unit from Modelica.SIUnit or is of a basic type (Real, Integer, Boolean, or String), the created knowledge parameter gets the corresponding Knowledge type. If not, it is a String (case for enumeration, or unknown type).
      • The display unit of the knowledge parameter is according to the preferences in Me > Preferences > General > Parameters and Measure, the Units tab.

Change the Value of an FMU Knowledge Parameter

You can change the value of an FMU knowledge parameter, either from the FMI node, or from the individual knowledge parameter nodes. Using the FMI node, you can change the values of several knowledge parameters at the same time.

  1. To change the FMU knowledge parameter values from the FMI node, use the following steps:
    1. In the tree, right-click the FMI icon and select Properties .
      The Properties dialog box appears.
    2. In the Properties dialog box, click the FMI Parameter Properties tab to display the FMU parameters.
    3. Edit the values of the exposed FMU knowledge parameters.

      Tip: You can enter a value in a compatible unit, it is converted to the current unit. For example, if you enter 10cm, it is converted to 100mm if mm is the current unit. If you enter a value without a unit, the current unit is used.

    4. Click OK.
      The FMU knowledge parameter values are changed.
  2. To change an FMU knowledge parameter from the corresponding node:
    1. In the tree, right-click the icon for the knowledge parameter and select [path+signalname].object > Definition
      The Edit Parameter dialog box appears.
    2. Edit the value.

      Tip: You can enter a value in a compatible unit, it is converted to the current unit. For example, if you enter 10cm, it is converted to 100mm if mm is the current unit. If you enter a value without a unit, the current unit is used.

    3. Click OK.

Lock or Unlock an FMU Knowledge Parameter Value

You can lock or unlock an FMU knowledge parameter value. This means that the knowledge parameter value cannot be modified from other apps.

  1. To lock an unlocked FMU knowledge parameter value, do the following:
    1. In the tree, under the Parameters category, right-click the icon for the knowledge parameter.
      The context menu appears.
    2. Select [path+signalname].object > Lock.
      The knowledge parameter value is locked, indicated by a hanglock on the parameter icon.
  2. To unlock a locked FMU knowledge parameter value, do the following:
    1. In the tree, under the Parameters category, right-click the icon for the knowledge parameter.
      The context menu appears.
    2. Select [path+signalname].object > Unlock.
      The knowledge parameter value is unlocked, indicated by no hanglock on the parameter icon.

Remove FMU Knowledge Parameters

You can remove an FMU knowledge parameter.

  1. In the tree, right-click the FMU icon and select Properties .
    The Properties dialog box appears.
  2. In the Properties dialog box:
    1. Select the FMI Parameter Properties tab.
      The tab displays the FMU parameters.
    2. In the Exposed column, clear the parameters that you do not want to expose as knowledge parameters anymore.
    3. Click OK.
      • The corresponding knowledge parameters are removed from the tree.
      • The values of the FMU parameters are restored to the FMU default values.