Explore and expand a product.
- Select the root object and click Compare EBOM .
The product structure
and its associated EBOM are displayed side by side.
structure and EBOM identical:
Product structure containing recent attribute
Compare the status by examining the different color shadings, the meanings of which are
indicated in the B.I. Essentials dialog box.
- red - Removed or added objects: the reference has been removed or added in
comparison to the other view.
- yellow - Different attributes: Attribute values are different between the Product
Structure and the EBOM on this reference. Quantity is the same.
- green - Different quantities: quantity of reference used is different in the
Product Structure and the EBOM. Attributes values of this reference are the same.
- blue - Different attributes and quantities: quantity and attribute values of this
reference are different in the Product Structure and the EBOM.
- gray - Hidden: the object is hidden from the other view (for example NotInBOM,
NotInProductStructure, or Phantom).
- white - Identical: Quantity and attribute values are the same in both views.
- In either view, click an object in the tree or in the 3D to see a comparison of its attributes.
An immersive
Attributes Comparison dialog box appears.
The Attributes Name corresponds to the name in the view in which you
selected the object.
The Compare Options dialog box enables you to do the following:
- Same viewpoint: if selected, the viewpoints are synchronized.
- Export comparison: if selected, a report is generated in .csv format
(with field separator ";") and
contains the following fields:
- Depth: Indicates an object's structure depth, for example the depth of the root is
0. The depth of a child of the root is 1.
- Object ID reference
- Object ID compared
- Object type
- Comparison status
- Comparison information: gives additional details, for example difference between
attribute values.