Comparing a Product Structure with Its Associated EBOM

This task shows you how to compare a product structure with its associated Engineering Bill of Materials (EBOM).

Important: The Compare Structure command can also be launched from any of the following apps:
  • Product Finder
  • Product Architecture
  • Universal Finder
  • Systems Architecture

  1. Explore and expand a product.
  2. Select the root object and click Compare EBOM .
    Important: If there is no EBOM associated to any structure, an error message is displayed with the following text: "No EBOM found. Comparison is not possible".
    The product structure and its associated EBOM are displayed side by side.

    Product structure and EBOM identical:

    Product structure containing recent attribute modification:

    Important: If the EBOM has not been generated yet, a warning appears notifying you as such. To create an EBOM for a selected product, in the menu, select Tools > Synchronize with Enterprise.

  3. Compare the status by examining the different color shadings, the meanings of which are indicated in the B.I. Essentials dialog box.

    • red - Removed or added objects: the reference has been removed or added in comparison to the other view.
    • yellow - Different attributes: Attribute values are different between the Product Structure and the EBOM on this reference. Quantity is the same.
    • green - Different quantities: quantity of reference used is different in the Product Structure and the EBOM. Attributes values of this reference are the same.
    • blue - Different attributes and quantities: quantity and attribute values of this reference are different in the Product Structure and the EBOM.
    • gray - Hidden: the object is hidden from the other view (for example NotInBOM, NotInProductStructure, or Phantom).
    • white - Identical: Quantity and attribute values are the same in both views.
  4. In either view, click an object in the tree or in the 3D to see a comparison of its attributes.
    An immersive Attributes Comparison dialog box appears.
    Note: The Attributes Name corresponds to the name in the view in which you selected the object.

The Compare Options dialog box enables you to do the following:

  • Same viewpoint: if selected, the viewpoints are synchronized.
  • Export comparison: if selected, a report is generated in .csv format (with field separator ";") and contains the following fields:
    • Depth: Indicates an object's structure depth, for example the depth of the root is 0. The depth of a child of the root is 1.
    • Object ID reference
    • Object ID compared
    • Object type
    • Comparison status
    • Comparison information: gives additional details, for example difference between attribute values.