For a selected object, the RFLP Linked Objects panel
displays all relations.
For a selected Diagram View, the RFLP Linked Objects panel displays
the Presented Objects.
In System Finder, this panel displays content from the database.
In the
select one object (multiselection is not allowed).
From the
Navigation section of the
action bar,
RFLP Linked Objects.
RFLP Linked Objects panel appears and displays
the relations of the selected object.
Select the convenient command:
Update from Database: to update the panel with content stored in the database.
Lock Selection: to lock the current content in the
RFLP Linked Objects panel when selecting
another object in the
With this command, you can
simultaneously open several panels to view different objects.
Unlock Selection: to unlock the
RFLP Linked Objects panel and update the panel
when selecting another object.
Select and Center Graph: to update the content when selecting another object in
RFLP Linked Objects panel, and center the 2D
graph with the
node of the selected object.
Explore in Current Tab
to explore the object in
System Finder.
To place a component in the active diagram view, right-click the component in
the RFLP Linked Objects panel and select Place
in View.