From the E-Cooling section of the action bar,
click Blower Component
- Optional:
Enter a descriptive
From the 3D area, select a
cylindrical part to be the blower.
A yellow glyph, which represents the blower's blades, appears in the 3D area. A yellow
arrow indicates the direction in which the blades rotate.
From the 3D area, select
an Inlet surface to indicate where the flow enters the
From the 3D area, select
an Outlet surface to indicate where the flow exits the
Enter a value for the Blade angle, which is the angle of the
blower's blades.
If you enter a nonzero blade angle, the yellow glyph changes to show curved
Select the axis system and the axis about which the blades rotate.
Option | Description |
Global |
Aligns the local feature triad with the global coordinate system. |
Local |
Aligns the local feature triad with a selected axis system in the
model. |
Enter a value for the Fan hub radius, which is the radius of the
housing that covers the center of the impeller.
Add a fan curve to dynamically change the intake of flow into the blower.
From the Fan curves section, click Add a fan
The Fan Curve dialog box appears.
Enter a value for the RPM, which is the impeller's
revolutions per minute (RPM).
In the table, enter data points for the Volume Flow Rate and
the Pressure Jump to define the relationship between the volume
flow rate and pressure rise for a constant RPM.
Click OK.
Click OK.
The yellow glyph turns blue to indicate that you created the blower