Creating and Working with User Features

A set of features (geometric elements, formulas, constraints and so forth) that are grouped to be used in a different context, and presenting the ability to be completely redefined when pasted. Contrary to the power copy, the user feature is a black box.

Note: To view the sample used in the following scenarios, import the Sample_extra.3dxml file located in win_b64\startup\Knowledgeware\PKT Samples\Sample1 in the installation folder.

In this section:

About User Features & Functional User Features
About 3D Tag Visualization
Creating a User Feature
Saving a User Feature in a Catalog
Instantiating a User Feature
Synchronizing User Features
Linking a User Feature Instance to its Reference
User Feature Protection Mode
Associating an Image to a Template
Associating a Knowledge Dialog Box with a Typed User Feature
Working with Meta Inputs