Creating a Point on a Surface

You can create a point on a surface at a specified distance and direction from a reference point.

See Also
In the Knowledge Base
Why does geodesic computation fail when creating a point on a closed surface?
  1. From the Create section of the action bar, click Point .
  2. Select On surface.
  3. In the Surface box, select the surface where the point is to be created.
  4. Optional: Select a reference point.

    By default, the surface's middle point is taken as a reference.

  5. Optional: Select an element to use its orientation as a reference direction or a plane to take its normal as a reference direction.

    You can also use the context menu to specify the X, Y, Z components of the reference direction.

  6. In the Distance box, enter the value or use the arrows to change the value of a distance along the reference direction to display a point.
  7. Select the dynamic positioning of the point:
    • Coarse (default behavior): the distance computed between the reference point and the pointer is a Euclidean distance. Therefore, the created point may not be located at the location of the pointer. The handle (symbolized by a red cross) is continually updated as you move the pointer over the surface.

    • Fine: the distance computed between the reference point and the pointer is a geodesic distance. Therefore, the created point is located precisely at the location of the pointer. The handle is not updated as you move the pointer over the surface, only when you click the surface.
  8. Click OK to create the point.
    The point (identified as is added to the tree.
    • The dynamic positioning option is persistent but is not stored in the feature. Therefore, while editing, the dynamic positioning may not be the one you selected.