Intersecting Bodies

You can compute two intersections via a Boolean operation. The material resulting from an intersection operation between two bodies is the material shared by intersecting bodies.

Note: Depending on your role, you may not have access to this functionality.

Before you begin: Open a 3D shape representation. Insert two bodies.
See Also
About Boolean Operations
About Bodies
  1. From the Structure or the Essentials section of the action bar, click Intersect .
    The Intersect dialog box appears.
  2. In the Intersect box, select a body whose intersection is to be calculated with another body.
  3. In the To box select another body with which the intersection of the earlier selected body will be calculated.

    By default, it is proposed to assemble the selected body with PartBody if no other body exists in the tree.

    Important: Editing an Intersect feature is possible. To do so, double-click that feature and then select the new body you want to intersect.
    • The intersection between the selected body with the PartBody is calculated and the material is removed.
    • A new node denoting the Boolean operation, Intersect.x, is now included in the tree under the PartBody node. The body is moved under the Boolean operator node in the tree.