Converting COLLADA™ Data Interactively

You can import COLLADA™ data interactively.

Before you begin:

Converter for COLLADA™

  • Is available only on Windows OS.
  • Supports COLLADA™ versions up to 1.4.1.
  • Does not yet support
    • Animations
    • Lights
    • Cameras
    • Meta data
    • No Show property (Elements are kept in Show mode only).
    • Transparency (Elements are never transparent).

  1. Import the COLLADA™ file as explained in Import.

    Available extensions are .dae (Digital Asset Exchange format) and .zae (COLLADA Archive).

    • A .dae file contains the 3D geometry of the design, with possible links to external artwork files or other .dae files.
    • A .zae file is an archive that contains the original .dae file, all additional artwork and material files, and additional information such as the necessary textures, graphics, and other files to render the .dae file properly.

  2. Optional: Select the Run in Separate Process check box.
    The conversion is performed in the background.
  3. Under Material Import, select an update option.
    • Reuse only: If it exists, the material is reused from the 3DEXPERIENCE database. If it does not exist, the material is not created, or applied.
    • Reuse or create new: If it exists, the material is reused from the 3DEXPERIENCE database. If it does not exist, the material is created, and applied.
    • Reuse and update or create new: If it exists, the material in the 3DEXPERIENCEdatabase is updated from the imported file. It is then reused from the database. If it does not exist, the material is created, and applied.

  • The data are converted, then saved in the database.
  • If the save operation fails, a failure message is displayed and the import stops.
  • Click Cancel to interrupt the transfer at any time. The conversion is then interrupted (after the processing of the current independent entity) and the partial conversion already performed is displayed in the session.
  • Structure and geometry are imported as a new physical product.
  • Materials are converted to 3DEXPERIENCE material, and applied at the correct level.