Displaying and Modifying the Parameters of a Feature Directly

When editing a functional surface, you can directly display and modify its parameters (length, radius and angle) through a 3D manipulation. Handles are provided when passing over a dimension in order to dynamically modify the parameter value. Moreover, it displays a ruler during the value modification in order to give a better display of the value and an easier way to control the modification thanks to the ruler's graduations.

Before you begin: Insert a Surfacic Functional Set and a function.
  1. Drag the robot from the upper right corner onto the functional surface.
  2. Move the handle to modify the dimensions of the edited surface and release when satisfied.
    A wired preview of the modified shape is displayed as well as a ruler.

    • To change the parameter to edit, simply click on another functional face. The parameters that were edited first are removed and those of the second feature are displayed.
    • To create a fillet on a sharp edge, simply drag the robot to the edge and move the handle to create the fillet.
    • To suppress a fillet, simply drag the robot onto the fillet and press the Suppr key.
  3. Select a plane to activate the 2D section mode. This lets you select an edge on the section instead of a face (though you can still select a face).

    An immersive toolbar is displayed:

    The icons let you:

    • hide or show the background grid displayed in this mode,
    • exit the sectioning mode and go back to the initial viewpoint,
    • swap between the sectioning plane and the viewpoint.
    Note: The toolbar is shown with a low intensity that disappears when you move the pointer on the icons.

  4. Click in the work area or press Esc to exit the command.
    The currently edited feature is updated.

You can edit:

  • a length: an arrow is displayed at the picking point or at a specific computed point.
  • a radius: an arrow is displayed and oriented inside the fillet ribbon as close as possible from the picking point.
  • an angle: an arc is displayed.