Creating Radius Properties

You can create a default radius to be used by each functional feature containing a radius.

Before you begin: Insert a surfacic functional set.
  1. From the Structure section of the action bar, click Radius Property .
    The Radius Property Definition dialog box opens.
  2. Define the inner (Ri) or the outer (Ro) values using the radio buttons.

    These two parameters are linked through the following non-editable formula: Ro=Ri+thickness.

    Note: The thickness value used in this formula is the one defined in the Parameters Values tab in the Surfacic Functional Set Definition dialog box.

  3. Optional: Select the Put in Properties Set option to put the inner and outer values in a specific set called Radius Properties Set. Otherwise, they are located at the last position in the surfacic functional set.
    Note: This option is only available during creation.
  4. Click OK to create the radius property.
    The element (identified as Radius Property.x) is added to the tree.

    Now, in all the commands that have a radius value, you can use this radius property. Let's take an example with the Bead function.

  5. Click Bead Function .
    The Bead Function Definition dialog box is displayed.
  6. Right-click the Radius value and select the Radius Properties > Radius Property.x.
    The dialog box is updated and the previous value is replaced by Radius Property.x.
    Note: You can see that the Create Radius Properties command can also be accessed from the context menu.
  7. Click OK to create the bead.
    The bead radius parameter does no longer appear under the bead function in the tree.