Creating a Working Zone

You can create a working zone function that will relimit all the functions under the current surfacic functional set by selecting or creating an external volume.

This task shows you how to:

Create a Working Zone by Selecting an External Volume

Before you begin: A volume is already created. Here are two views of the same surfacic functional set with two different volumes:

  1. From the Structure section of the action bar, click Working Zone Function .
  2. Select the volume that represents the desired working zone.
    Functions inside the working zone are kept, those outside the working zone are ignored. Functions that cut the working zone are relimited: only the part that is inside the working zone is kept.
  3. Select the other volume that represents the second working zone.

Note: Several working zone functions can be created under the same surfacic functional set and their inputs can overlap each other.

Create a Working Zone by Creating an External Volume Using Natural Shape

You can use Natural Shape to create volumes on the fly to represent a working zone.

  1. From the Structure section of the action bar, click Working Zone Function .
  2. Right-click anywhere in the work area and select Create Natural Shape Feature.
    You now navigate into the Natural Shape app.
  3. Create the required volume on the fly.
  4. Click to navigate back to the Functional Shape Design work area.
  5. Click OK.
    A Natural Shape.x node is created in the tree, under the Body.x node. A Working Zone Function.x node is created under the Main Functional Set.x node.
  6. Right-click the Natural Shape.x node and select Natural Shape.x object > Definition.
    The selected feature appears in the Natural Shape app.
  7. Modify the feature, as required.
  8. From the Compass, select Functional Shape Design to navigate back to the work area.
    The feature is modified.
    • As the feature is edited in Natural Shape, the working zone is also modified.
    • Deleting the Main Functional Set.x, or Working Zone Function.x from the tree does not effect Body.x, or Natural Shape.x.
    • After validation of the surfacic content of the design, it is required to hide the body created using Natural Shape.