Creating a Plane Offset From another Plane

You can create one or more planes parallel to the reference plane with a given offset distance.

Before you begin: You must create or include a 3D Shape containing geometry.
  1. From the Design section of the action bar, click Plane .
  2. Select Offset from plane.
    A preview plane is displayed In the work area.
  3. In the Reference box, select a plane.
  4. Specify the offset distance by changing the default value in the Offset box or manipulating the handle in the work area.

  5. Click Reverse Direction or the arrow handle to reverse the offset direction.
  6. Select the Repeat object after validation check box to create more offset planes and click OK.
  7. In the Instance(s) box, enter the number of offset planes you want to create.
  8. Click OK in the Object Repetition dialog box.
    The repetition starts at the offset plane created when clicking OK in the Plane Definition dialog box. The specified number offset planes is added to the reference plane and the first offset plane, i. e. as result you will have the number of instances plus the reference and first offset plane.
  9. Click OK to create the plane.
    The plane (identified as is added to the tree.

Warning: If after the import of an offset plane the input plane of the offset feature is replaced by a surface, the offset result cannot be synchronized when being re-imported as the offset type has changed and a plane cannot be synchronized with a surface.

Conversely, a surface can be synchronized with a plane, as a plane is a surface.