Unloading Objects

You can unload objects that are no longer used in the session. Unloading objects from an assembly or a system enables you to keep in session only those objects you need and frees up memory.

  • The unload operation cannot be undone. To reload unloaded objects, reopen the data.
  • The unload operation deletes the history of all finished actions. Therefore, you cannot undo or redo actions after unloading objects, even on objects that are kept in session.
  • You cannot unload a root object from the tree.
  • Because there is only one memory for each session, the selected objects are unloaded from all editing tabs. It is also unloaded from a Co-Review or from a Product Finder, if any.

Before you begin: To avoid losing modifications, save the objects before unloading them.
  1. Select an object.
  2. From the Tools section of the action bar, click Unload .

    Tip: If you selected objects of the same type, this command is also available from the context menu.

    A dialog box appears.
  3. To confirm the unload operation, click OK.
    The object and its children are unloaded and no longer displayed.