Flexible Fastener References from a Single Flexible Fastener Reference

By using a methodology based on the Component Family Definition and Create Product Table capabilities, you can generate a large number of different flexible fastener references. Each time you need to make your design vary, you can modify the way you combine the attributes and the components (parts) of the fasteners. This topic provides information about how you can parameterize the attributes and position the components.

For more information about component families and product tables, see Component Family Definition and Knowledge Basics guides respectively.

Important: In a mixed environment you can browse and edit legacy modeler fasteners. You cannot create new instances of legacy modeler fasteners. For more information, see Action Bar Commands and Contextual Commands in Mixed and Optimized Modes and Setting the App Environment.

This page discusses:

Diameter, Tolerance, and Range

For the diameter, tolerance, and range attributes, you need to create a column per attribute in the product table. Then, in the Component Family Definition app, you need to associate the table columns and the attributes by using Valuate Attributes .

The units you can use depend on the type of attribute.
Attributes Units
Diameter The default unit is meter. You can specify the unit you need.
Tolerance Millimeter
Range Millimeter

Positioning the Components of the Fastener

In the generic model, the components must be designed along the z-axis at (0,0,0). The unit used is millimeter. To position them, you need to follow either of these methods.

  1. Specify the Orientation, Offset, and Thickness
    For each component, specify the orientation, offset, and thickness. For example Screw_Orientation, Washer_Orientation, Screw_Offset, etc. Create a column in the Product Table for each attribute, and associate the column with the attribute by using Valuate Attributes in Component Family Definition.
    Attributes Units
    Orientation X, -X, Y, -Y, Z, -Z.
    Offset The unit used is the mm. Specify a positive or negative value.

    The offset is applied according to the chosen orientation.

    If you do not specify an offset, the position of the generic model is used.

    Thickness The unit used is the mm. Specify a value.

    If the part is the first one or the last one, or the thickness is 0, you do not need to specify the thickness attribute.

  2. Specify EntryPoint and ExitPoint
    For each component, in the product table create two columns and specify an entry point and an exit point.
    To name these columns, use these conventions: *_EntryPoint and *_EntryPoint. For example Screw_EntryPoint and Washer_ExitPoint. Enter the coordinates of the points. They must be separated by semicolons. For example (0;1,2; 4). The unit used is the mm.