Customization of the Reference Fastener Type Files

Fastening natively supports the most common spot process types (Weld, Adhesive, Sealant, Rivet and Clinch), assembly process types (Rivet and Bolt) and bead process types (Weld, Adhesive and Sealant). An additional "Unspecified" category is supplied to classify specific technologies that do not belong to the app natively supported process categories.

A reference fastener type is identified by a string descriptor: "FTYP_PTYP1! PTYP2". In CATIA resource environment, theapp provides a set of files named "Fst_Spot_PTYP1! PTYP2.xls" that match the specifications provided by the administrator in the Fsr_Standard file.

This page discusses:

See Also
Customization of the Fst_Standard File
Fastener Symbols
Fastener Check Rules