Exporting Data Using a Batch

You can work with a batch, whose inputs are defined through a dialog box, to export data in an non-interactive mode (that is, without manually running an app session).

A batch is a non-interactive program requiring an xml file that contains parameters defining inputs and outputs and that provides:

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Run CATUtil using any of these methods:
  • From an interactive session, from the secondary area of the Tools section, click Utility....

  • From an interactive session, right-click and select Display > Status bar. Then, in the Status Bar box, enter c:Utility.
  • From a MS-DOS window, type catstart -env LocalEnv -run "CATUtil". The Batch Monitor dialog box is displayed, listing all available batches.

Create a Parameter File

You can first create a new parameter file.

  1. From the Utilities tab of the Batch Monitor dialog box, right-click XPDMImportExportBatch and select New parameter file.
  2. Click 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Object Search to choose the products on which the rules should be processed.

    The 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Object Search dialog box is displayed.

  3. Optional: Fill in the Part Number box.
  4. To import the results into the XPDMImportExportBatch dialog box, click Applyand then, click OK to close the dialog box.
  5. Remove the products you do not need by clicking .
  6. Select the Report directory by clicking Browse.
  7. Select the Report directory in which the rule report will be executed by clicking Browse.
  8. Select the target level in the Target Format list.
  9. Optional: Modify the Report name and the Suffix for the object report.
  10. Click Save to save the parameters in the xml file.
  11. In the Save As dialog box, select the xml file and click Save.

    The xml parameter file is automatically generated in the selected directory.

Run the Report Batch

You can run the report batch from two different dialog boxes.

From the XPDMImportExportBatch Dialog Box

You can run the batch from the XPDMImportExportBatch dialog box.

Click Run to run the batch process.
The xml parameter file is generated in the default repository.

From the Start Tab of the Batch Monitor dialog box

You can run the batch from the Start tab of the Batch Monitor dialog box.

  1. Right-click Run to generate the report again.

    The Processes tab enables to follow the progress and status of run batches.

    The following information is displayed:

    • Name of the batch
    • Name of the parameters file used to run the batch
    • Status of the batch ("Ended", etc.)
    • Start and end time, respectively in the "Beginning at" and "Ending at" columns
    • Return code: "0" means that the batch executed correctly, "-1" means that an error occurred result of the batch execution (either "Succeeded" or "Failed")
    • Batch identification number.

    The batch ID corresponds to the directory, named after the batch ID, where the log is stored. In case warnings are detected, a warning log is added to the existing log file.

  2. Right-click XPDMImportExportBatch and select Results.
    The Results dialog box is displayed:
  3. Click Save to save the results in a text file or Close to simply close the dialog box.

Associate an Existing Parameter File

You can associate an existing parameter file.

  1. From the Utilities tab, right-click XPDMImportExportBatch and select Associate a parameter file.
  2. In the dialog box that appears, select an xml parameter file and click Open.
    The xml parameter file appears in the Start tab as an argument for the start of the XPDMImportExportBatch utility.

You can also export data from a command line, by specifying an xml file describing the parameters required for the data export, for example: CATBatchStarter -input xml_file. For more information, see Native Apps Common Services: Running a Batch from CATPatchStarter.