Migrating Legacy Fastener Instances by Running the Fastener Bundle Migration Tool

You can run CATIA Fastener Bundle Migration Tool to migrate products containing engineering connections (MCX) and fastener instances to the data model that introduced bundle features in 2022x. An option also lets you migrate legacy flexible fasteners if required. Once the migration is complete, a detailed report is generated.

Important: CATIA Fastener Bundle Migration Tool migrates only one product assembly at a time.
Optionally, you can migrate flexible fasteners.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Verify that the data to migrate conform to all migration rules. For more information, see Limitations.


To open Batch Monitor, run the CATUTIL command by doing either of the following:
  • From an interactive session, from the Tools section of the action bar, click Utility.
  • From an MS-DOS window, type catstart -env LocalEnv -run CATUTIL. The Batch Monitor dialog box is displayed, listing all available batches.

Specify the Product to Migrate

  1. In the Utilities tab of the Batch Monitor dialog box, click CATIA Fastener Bundle Migration Tool.
  2. Optional: Click Object Search to search for the physical product in the database, and add it to the list of products to migrate.
  3. Optional: Select Migrate flexible fasteners to migrate legacy flexible fasteners.

    Important: If the option “Migrate flexible fasteners “ is cleared, flexible fasteners are considered as not migrated in the output report.

    Flexible fasteners with engineering connections are converted on the fly to new flexible fastener model with mechanical flexibility.
  4. Do either of the following:

    • Select Run to run the migration.
    • Save the batch parameters into a file for later run by preceding as follows:
      • Enter CATBatchStarter -input C:\temp\batch_params.xml
      • Replace the input argument by the full path to the file saved with CATUtil.

        Important: Even if the batch is executed with several products as input, the products are treated one after the other. It is important, that in the list of input products, there is no product included in another product already in the list.

    Once the migration is complete, the modified products are automatically saved in the database, and a migration report is generated.

Examine the Report

The migration report is available in .html and .csv formats.

To examine the details about the different migrated products, do either of the following:

  • To access a concise version of the report, consult the report in .hml format.
    Note: Clicking the hyperlinks on OK or KO provides the same information as in the detailed report available in .csv format.s
  • For a detailed report, navigate to the temp directory, and open ReportFsxMigration_<pid>_<timestamp>.csv.

For more information, see About the Fastener Migration Report.