Legacy - Fastening Evolved Parts Using Fastener Stacking Assistant

Your parts might have evolved over a period of time, for example because of versionings. Therefore, your session might contain parts that are not automatically fastened. You can fasten these new parts using Fastener Stacking Assistant . This functionality also lets you generate and export a report on fasteners and associated stackings at any time.

Important: The instructions described here apply to legacy fasteners only.

This task shows you how to:

Search for Fasteners

You first need to search for the fasteners you want to use to fasten the parts.

  1. From the Fastener section of the action bar, click Fastener Stacking Assistant .
  2. Select the fasteners of interest in the Navigation Criteria dialog box.
  3. Click the Search Under box and select a product node in the tree.
    All the fasteners included in this product are retrieved immediately.
  4. Once the required fasteners are selected in the dialog box, click OK to proceed.

    Warning: If you tried to find the fasteners by specifying the stacking parts, for example by selecting the evolved parts in the 3D, the system will not find the fasteners.

When the stacking proposal search is complete, the Fastener Stacking Assistant dialog box displays a report listing all fastener instances, their respective status (Not treated, Edited or Deleted) and the proposals issued by the system.

Edit Fasteners

Once the selection of fasteners is done, to define the whole stacking you can edit the fasteners in different ways to comply with your needs.

  1. Select the fastener of interest.

    To optimize the definition of the stacking shared by multiple fasteners, select one of these fasteners, right-click and select Select Fasteners with Same Stacking.

  2. Right-click and select Edit Fastener.
    As long as you are editing the fasteners, the Status column reflects the new status for each of them. The fasteners can be:
    • Edited: The modification of the fastener has been validated.
    • Deleted: The fastener was deleted during the edition. In this case, you can no longer select then edit the fastener from the dialog box.
    • Not Treated: The edition of the fastener has been canceled or the fastener has been excluded from the Edition command.
  3. Optional: Delete the part proposed by the app.
  4. Optional: Select the part manually in the 3D area.
  5. Click OK to validate the operations you performed to reconnect the new parts.

Export the Report

You can export the content of the report on fasteners and stacking parts into a text file. You can perform this operation at any stage.

  1. Click Export to File in Fastener Stacking Assistant.
  2. Enter the name you want to assign to the file containing the report.
    This file will be saved in the directory displayed in Report Directory, as specified in the General tab of the Preferences dialog box. For more information, see Report Directory.
  3. Click OK to confirm.