Preparing the Migration of Bead Fasteners to the Unified Typing Mode

Before migrating bead fasteners previously created in former typing mode to unified typing mode data, you need to run the CATFstBeadMigrationBatch batch. You also need to run this batch before migrating data that is not compliant with unified typing prerequisites.

For more information about the unified typing mode, see Installation and Setup: Customize: 3Dâ„ EXPERIENCE Platform; 3DSpace: Unified Typing Migration Tool User's Guide.

Before you begin:
  • Login in former typing mode.
  • Assign the same context and role to the user as used for the bead object creation on the previous level.
  1. Access the Batch Monitor using any of the following methods:

    • From a CATIA interactive session:
      • From the secondary area of the Tools section, click Utility....
      • Or right-click Display> Status Bar.
      • Or In the Status bar, enter c:Utility.
    • From a MS-DOS window: Type "catstart -env LocalEnv -run "CATUtil".

    The Batch Monitor dialog box appears.
  2. In the Utilities tab, double-click CATFstBeadMigrationBatch.
    The CATFstBeadMigrationBatch dialog box appears.
  3. Click Object Search .
  4. In the dialog box that displays, set these search criteria:

    • Object: ProductDS
    • Extension: BeadFastener

  5. Click the Extended tab and select Usage as the attribute, Not Like as the operator and StandardBeadFastener as the value.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Similarly add two search criteria for SimpleBeadFastener and UnifiedBeadFastener.
  8. Click Apply.
    All the beads in which the Usage value is not correctly set are found.
    Important: Before clicking OK, clear New Version in the Output frame.
  9. Click OK.
  10. In the CATFstBeadMigrationBatch dialog box, click Run.
  11. When done, click Open Main HTML Report .
    The status of each processed object is displayed in the CATFstBeadMigrationBatch Global Result dialog box.

You can now use emxNewTypingMigrationProgram to migrate your data.